Previous 200 Entries26870. دهیوري 26871. دو 26872. دو 26873. دو 26874. دو 26875. دو26876. دو 26877. دو 26878. دوا 26879. دوا 26880. دوا 26881. دوا 26882. دواءِر 26883. دواءی 26884. دواب 26885. دواب 26886. دواپر 26887. دوات 26888. دواتن 26889. دوادس 26890. دوادسی 26891. دوادش 26892. دوادشی 26893. دوادو 26894. دوادوش 26895. دوار 26896. دوار 26897. دوار 26898. دوار 26899. دوار 26900. دوارا 26901. دوارا 26902. دوارك 26903. دواركا 26904. دوارن 26905. دواري 26906. دوازدہ 26907. دوازدهم 26908. دوازدهی 26909. دواگنی 26910. دوال 26911. دوال 26912. دوالا 26913. دوالی 26914. دوالی 26915. دوالیا 26916. دوالیب 26917. دوام 26918. دوان 26919. دوانا 26920. دواناپن 26921. دوانپن 26922. دواندهہ 26923. دوانہ 26924. دوانی 26925. دوءی 26926. دوءی 26927. دوب 26928. دوباز 26929. دوبر 26930. دوبر 26931. دوبر 26932. دوبرا 26933. دوبڑگھسڑو 26934. دوبڑوگھسڑو 26935. دوبھر 26936. دوبھك 26937. دوبھنیان 26938. دوبھیان 26939. دوبے 26940. دوبیا 26941. دوپ 26942. دوپستا 26943. دوت 26944. دوتاءی 26945. دوتپن 26946. دوتتا 26947. دوتتو 26948. دوتك 26949. دوتكا 26950. دوتنی 26951. دوتھاءین 26952. دوتو 26953. دوتی 26954. دوتی 26955. دوتیا 26956. دوتیا 26957. دوتیہ 26958. دوج 26959. دوج 26960. دوجا 26961. دوج بر 26962. دوجھا 26963. دوجو 26964. دوچہ 26965. دوخت 26966. دوختہ 26967. دود 26968. دود 26969. دودمان 26970. دودنا 26971. دودہ 26972. دودها 26973. دودهار 26974. دودهل 26975. دودهہ 26976. دودهی 26977. دودهی 26978. دودهیا 26979. دودهیل 26980. دور 26981. دور 26982. دور 26983. دور 26984. دورا 26985. دوراتمیہ 26986. دوران 26987. دورانی 26988. دوربلیہ 26989. دوربھاگیہ 26990. دورتا 26991. دورتو 26992. دورجنیہ 26993. دوركت 26994. دورگندهی 26995. دورہ 26996. دورها 26997. دوروا 26998. دوري 26999. دوز 27000. دوزخ 27001. دوزخی 27002. دوزہ 27003. دوزي 27004. دوڑ 27005. دوڑا 27006. دوڑا 27007. دوڑاپا 27008. دوڑاك 27009. دوڑانا 27010. دوڑاها 27011. دوڑكر 27012. دوڑكے 27013. دوڑنا 27014. دوڑها 27015. دوڑي 27016. دوس 27017. دوس 27018. دوس 27019. دوس 27020. دوساءی 27021. دوساد 27022. دوساكھی 27023. دوساهی 27024. دوساهی 27025. دوست 27026. دوستانہ 27027. دوستی 27028. دوسر 27029. دوسرا 27030. دوسنا 27031. دوسی 27032. دوسی 27033. دوسی 27034. دوش 27035. دوش 27036. دوش 27037. دوشت 27038. دوشتا 27039. دوشك 27040. دوشك 27041. دوشمال 27042. دوشن 27043. دوشن 27044. دوشنا 27045. دوشنبہ 27046. دوشی 27047. دوشی 27048. دوشیزگی 27049. دوشیزہ 27050. دوشیكا 27051. دوشین 27052. دوشینہ 27053. دوشینہ 27054. دوشیہ 27055. دوغ 27056. دوغلا 27057. دوك 27058. دوك 27059. دوكان 27060. دوكانی 27061. دوكھك 27062. دوكھنا 27063. دوكھہ 27064. دوكھی 27065. دوكھی 27066. دوگاڑا 27067. دوگر 27068. دوگلا 27069. دول


du [Pehl. du; Zend dva; S. dva], adj. Two:—du-āb, do-āb, du-āba, s.m. A tract of country lying between two rivers which unite after running some distance; the country between the Ganges and Jamnā(called the antar-bed):—du-ātasha, adj. Of two fires; double-distilled:—du-ātasha sharāb or sharāb-ě-du-ātasha, s.m. Double-distilled liquor, very strong wine, etc.:—du-arthī, do-arthī, adj. & s.m. Double-meaning, ambiguous, equivocal;—double meaning, ambiguity; double-entendre:—du-aspa, adj. & s.m. Having two horses; having one horse to relieve another; quick, expeditious;—a relay of two horses:—du-āshiyāna, s.m. lit. 'Having two rooms'; a kind of tent with two rooms:—do-aṅgī, du-aṅgī, adj. (in Bot.) Dichlamydeous:—do-annī, du-annī, s.f. A small silver coin, the eighth part of a rupee:—do-ek, adj. One or so, a few;—s.m.=du-sāla, and dok, qq.v.:—du-bāra, adj. & adv. Twice, double; double-distilled, or strained, etc.;—a second time, again:—du-bāz, s.m. A kind of pigeon; a paper kite; a species of eagle, the Nipāl hawk-eagle, Spizaëtus nipalensis:—do bāzūbarābar, adj. (Geom.) Having two (opposite) sides equal (as an oblong):—do- (or du-) baćan, s.m. (Gram.) The dual number:—du barābar, adj. Equal to two, double:—du-ba-du, dū-ba-dū, s.f. Facing, or confronting, of two people;—adv. Two together, two at a time; face to face, tête-¦-tête; in the presence (of, -kī), before:—dū-ba-dūhonā(-kī), To come face to face, to confront; to be confronted (with);—to quarrel, wrangle, to abuse each other (two people):—du-bar-du, adv.=du-ba-du:—do-bardā, adj. & s.m. With two bullocks (a cart);—a two-bullock cart:—do-barsī, adj. Biennial:—du- (or do-) biswī, s.f. An allowance of two biswās out of twenty, ten per cent.:—do-baldā= do-bardī, q.v.:—do bol paṛhwānāor paṛhwā-denā(-ke), 'To cause two words or "yeas" to be repeated'; to obtain the assent of two parties (to a contract); to get (a girl) married (in a quiet and inexpensive manner):—du-bhāsī, du-bhāsiyā, du-bhāshī, dubhāshiya, s.m. lit. 'Knowing, or conversing in, two-tongues'; an interpreter:—du-bhāṅilā, adj. (f.-ī)=du-bhāṅtiyā, q.v.:—du-bhāṅtī, s.f. lit. 'Of two kinds'; double-dealing, duplicity:—dubhāṅtiyā, adj. & s.m. Two-faced, doublefaced;—a double-faced man; a hypocrite:—dubhā`o, adj. Double-faced, hypocritical:—dobhedlī, do-bheslī, du-bhesiyā, adj. Doublefaced; doubtful, ambiguous, equivocal; vague;—s.m. A double-faced man (=dubhāṅtiyā):—do bīć, s.m. pl. 'The two centres,' the foci (of an ellipse):—do-pāṭī, adj. Of two breadths or folds:—du-pāra, adj. Halved; in two pieces:—du-pāya, adj. & s.m. Two-legged;—a biped; a man:—do-patiya, adj. (Bot.) Binate:—du- (or do-) paṭṭā, s.m. lit. 'Having two breadths'; a kind of mantle, or a piece of linen, in which there are two breadths; a cloth or sheet thrown loosely over the shoulders, a wrapper:—du-paṭṭā ṭān-ke sonā, To sleep with the sheet drawn over the head; to sleep in peace or with a mind at ease; to sleep the sleep of death:—dupaṭṭāhilānāor phirānā, To hold out, or wave, a flag of truce; to offer to surrender (a fort):—dupaṭṭī, s.f.=du-bhāṅtī, q.v.:—du-partā, adj. Of two folds, double:—du-pushta, adj. Printed on both sides (a page):—du-palṛi, s.f. A kind of cap consisting of two pieces;—du-palkā, s.m. lit. 'Having two eye-lids'; a kind of pigeon;—a kind of stone for a ring:—do-phāṛ, adj. (Bot.) Bipartite:—do-pahar (S. dvi-prahara), s.f. Midday, noon:—do-pahar-par ānā, s.m. (Astron.) Transit:—do-pahar-pahle, adv. Before noon; ante meridiem, A.M.:—do-pahar-ćakkar, s.m. (Astron.) Meridian lines:—do-pahar ḍhalnā, v.n. The sun to decline from the meridian, to be past mid-day:—do-pahar-ḍhale, adv. Past or after mid-day; post meridiem, P.M.:—do-paharkā, adj. (f. -ī) = du-pahriyā, q.v.:—do-paharī, do-pahrī, adj. Of noon or mid-day; mid-day heat;—s.f.=do-pahar, q.v.:—du- (do-) pahriyā, adj. & s.m. Of noon or noontide; meridian;—a kind of flower, Pentapetes phœnicea;—a child born at noon:—do-phalī, adj.=du-faṣlī, q.v.:—du- (or do-) piyāza, s.m. A rich meat curry in which a double quantity of onions is used, and which has little or no gravy:—du-paikar, s.m. The sign Gemini:—du-tā, adj.=du-tā`o, du-tāh, q.v.:—du-tārā, adj. & s.m. Two-stringed; double-threaded;—a two-stringed instrument (as a guitar, etc.); a kind of shawl:—du-tā`o, du-tāh, adj. Two-plied, double; bent;—s.m.=dutahī, q.v.:—du-tahī, du-ta`ī, s.f. Cloth that is lined; a piece of cloth having two breadths (used for lying upon):—do-tīn, adj. Two or three, a few:—do ṭūk, adj. Two-pieced; clear, plain, clean; decisive; pertinent:—do ṭūk jawāb denā(-ko), To give a plain or decisive answer; to give a flat refusal or denial:—do ṭūk karnā, v.t. To divide or cut in two, to sunder, to separate:—do ṭūk honā, v.n. To be divided or cut in two, to be sundered, be separated; to be at variance;—to be adjusted, be settled, to be completed:—do-jiyā, adj. & s.f. Pregnant;—a pregnant woman:—do-jībhā, du-jibhā, adj. (f. -ī), Two-tongued, double-tongued:—do-jīrā, s.m.=du-zīra, q.v.:—do-jī-se, adj.=do-jiyā, q.v.:—do-jī-se honā, do-jiyāhonā, v.n. To be pregnant:—do-jīvā, adj. & s.f.=do-jiyā, q.v.:—do-ćār, adj. 'Two or four,' a few (=do-tīn):—du-ćār, s.f. A meeting, an interview:—du-ćār honā, v.n. To meet, to have an interview:—du-ćāh, du-ćah, s.m. The second reservoir to which water is raised for the purpose of irrigation:—du- (or do-) ćit or du-ćittā, adj. & s.m. Of two minds, divided in thought or sentiment, puzzled, distracted, doubtful, wavering, vacillating, fluctuating, irresolute; abstracted, absent-minded;—a waverer, etc.;—doubt, suspense, etc. (=next, q.v.):—du-ćitā`ī, s.f. Doubt, suspense; wavering, vacillation; absence of mind, abstraction:—du-ćallā, s.m. A roof sloping two ways:—du-ćand, du-ćandān, adj. Twice as much, as much again, double, twofold:—du-ćoba, adj. & s.m. Having two poles;—a two-poled tent:—du-ćhattā, s.m. A house with a double roof; a thatched roof sloping in two directions:—du-ḥarfī, s.f. Wine:—du-ḵẖāna, adj. Having two compartments, etc.; of two stories (=dumanzila):—du-ḵẖammā, s.m. A kind of ḥuqqasnake with two bends (such as that of a guṛguṛī):—du-ḵẖẉāba, adj. & s.m. Having two naps (as cloth);—a kind of double-napped cloth:—du-dāmī(fr. dām, 'thread'), s.f. Flowered muslin (the flowers being worked with a needle);—du-dasta, adj. (f. -ī), Two handed; having two handles; consisting of, or divided into, two branches or divisions:—dudila, adj.=du-ćittā, q.v.:—do-dam, adj. Twicesharpened, very sharp; two-edged:—do din-kāměhmān, adj. lit. 'A two-days' guest'; temporary, transitory, fleeting, passing away (as beauty, etc.):—do din na pakaṛnā, v.n. To die young, to die soon:—du-dhārā, adj. (f. -ī), Twoedged (a sword, etc.):—du-rāsta, adj.=du-rasta, q.v.:—du-rāhā, s.m. A road dividing into two, or branching off in two directions; the junction of two roads:—du-ruḵẖa, adj. (f. -ī), Doublefaced (=du-bhesiyā); having the same face or appearance on both sides, not having a wrong side;—having two faces or aspects, having the two sides of different colours (as cloth, etc.):—du-ruḵẖī, s.f. A kind of bow:—do-ras, s.m. A soil consisting of clay and sand:—do-rasā, s.m. A mixture of two kinds of things (as of tobacco, etc.):—du-rasta, du-rāsta, adj. Having a row of trees, or of houses, on both sides (a road):—duraggā, adj. & s.m. Capricious, whimsical;—half-bred;—a mongrel, a person of double breed (having good qualities on one side, and bad on the other, so as not to be depended on; syn. doglā):—do-rang, du-rangā, adj. (f. -ī), Of two colours; piebald;—capricious; doubledealing; hypocritical;—s.m. A capricious person; a double-dealer; a hypocrite:—du- (or do-) rangī, s.f. The property of having two colours; capriciousness; double-dealing, duplicity, deceit, hypocrisy:—do-rū, adj. & s.m. Two-faced, double-faced, hypocritical;—a double-faced person, a hypocrite;—name of a flower (one face of which is yellow and the other red; syn. gul-ě-ra`nā):—du-roza, adj. & s.m. Consisting of, or lasting for, two days; short, brief; the space of two days:—du-rū`ī, s.f. The having two faces, double-facedness; duplicity, etc. (=du-rangī, q.v.):—du-ruyā, adj. & s.m. Double-faced, etc. (=do-rū);—adv. On both faces, or sides:—du- (or do-) zānūbaiṭhnāor ho-baiṭhnā, v.n. To kneel and sit on the heels behind; to sit on the hams or haunches:—duzabān, adj. Double-tongued, deceitful; forkedtongued:—du-zabānī, s.f. The being forkedtongued; the having two tongues, duplicity; equivocation:—du-zīra, s.m. A kind of rice:—do sār honāor ho-jānā, v.n. To pierce through and through, to go right through:—du-sākhī= du-sāhī, q.v.:—du-sāla, adj. Of two years, two years old; biennial;—s.m. A two-year old colt;—lands that have been two years under cultivation:—do-sāhī, do-sā`ī, adj. & s.f. Yielding two crops a year (land; = du-fas̤lī):—du-sar-hā, adv. Tête-¦-tête (=du-ba-du):—dosarī, s.f. The ploughing land twice; twiceploughed land:—du-sūtā, s.m., or du-sūtī, s.f. A kind of cloth, the threads of which are double:—du-serā, s.m., or du-serī, s.f. A weight of two sers:—du-shāḵẖa, adj. & s.m. Having two branches; forked (a branch);—the fork of a branch:—du-shālā, s.m. A pair of shawls (worn like the du-paṭṭā);—du-shāle-posh, s.m. One who wears a du-shālā:—du-ẓarbī, adj. Doublebolted (as a lock); double-barrelled (as a gun); inflicting two blows, or a double wound:—dut̤arfa, adj. (f. -ī), Having two sides, two-sided; on both sides, mutual, taking or pretending to take both sides in a dispute, deceitful:—du-`amalī, s.f. Double rule, the rule of two masters:—du-faṣlī, adj. & s.f. Yielding two crops or harvests in the year (viz. the rabī` or spring harvest and the ḵẖarīf or autumnal harvest);—land yielding two crops in the year:—do-kāl, s.m. Both worlds:—do karnā, v.t. To divide into two parts, to cut in two, to bisect:—do-kasī, adj. Two-personed; fit for two persons:—do-kalā, s.m. A double padlock, iron chains for the legs of criminals:—du-koha, adj. & s.m. Two-hunched;—a two-hunched camel, the Bactrian camel:—du (or do-) gāṛā, adj. & s.m. (f. -ī), Twice, double;—a musket that carries two balls, a double-barrelled gun:—dugāna, adj. & s.m. Double, two together; of two sorts;—two genuflexions in prayer; a prayer in which two genuflexions are made;—two intimate friends, an inseparable pair:—du- (or ḍo-) gun, du-gunā, adj. (f. -ī), Double, two-fold, twice as much:—du (or do-) ganḍī ćiṭṭī, s.f. A go-between, a fomenter of quarrels, one who flatters both parties in a dispute (the expression is taken from a game in which ćiṭṭīor tamarind seeds are used as dice, the seed being marked or rubbed on one face or side; and if it be fraudulently marked on both sides, it is called du-ganḍī):—do-gang, adj. In two streams (a river):—do-ghaṛ, s.m. Two vessels full of water placed one on top of the other (to pass a doghaṛon the right hand is regarded as a good omen):—du-ghaṛiyā, s.f. A space of two hours:—du-lāwa, adj. & s.m. Having two ropes;—a well with two lā`os or ropes, and buckets:—du-lā`ī, s.f. A wrap made of two kinds of stuff, one sewn upon the other; a quilted covering or robe, a double sheet:—dulattī, s.f. A kicking up, or a kick, with both hind legs (of a horse, or other quadruped):—du-lattīpheṅknā, du-lattīmārnā, To kick up or out with the two hind legs (a horse, etc.):—do-laṛ, dulaṛā, and dolṛā, adj. & s.m. (f. -ī), Having two strings or bands, of two rows; having two strings to one's bow; acting a double part, going from one party to another;—a necklace, or girdle, etc. of two strings or bands;—a piece of cloth consisting of two breadths:—du-loh, dulohī, adj. & s.f. Composed of two plates of steel;—a scimitar made of two plates of steel joined together:—do-maṭ, du-maṭ, adj. & s.m. Consisting of two soils;—a mixture of two soils:—do-maṭikār, s.m. Name of a subdivision of the Brāhman class:—du-maḥlā, du-manzila, adj. Of two floors or stories (a house, etc.); of two decks (a ship):—du-muṅhā, adj. & s.m. Having two mouths; two-faced, deceitful;—a two-faced or deceitful person; a kind of serpent with two mouths:—do muṅh haṅs-lena, v.n. To laugh and amuse oneself in moderation:—du- (or do) nālī, vulg. do-nalī, adj. Double-barrelled (gun):—du-nokī, adj. Having two points or tips; (in Bot.) bifid:—donoṅ, adj. See s.v.:—du-nīm, adj. & s.m. Divided in two, halved;—two halves:—du-warqī, adj. & s.f. Consisting of two leaves;—a book of two leaves or pages, a small book:—du-hattar, du-hatthar, adj. & s.f. Held with both hands;—a slap or blow with both hands at one time:—du-huttar talwār, s.f. A sword that is held with both hands:—du-hattar talwār mārnā, v.t. To strike a blow with a sword held with both hands:—du-hattar mārnā(-ko), To strike (one) with both hands at one time:—du-hattī, adj. With both hands.
Origin: Persian

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