िƮ dvi, adj. Two (occuring, in Hindī, only in comp.):—dvi-pa, vulg. dvip, s.m. lit. 'Drinking twice'; an elephant (which imbibes fluids by his trunk and thence conveys them into his mouth); the tree Mesua ferrea:—dvipath, s.m. A place where two roads meet, a cross-way:—dvi-pad, adj. & s.m. Two-footed, bipedal;—a biped (including four genera, viz. gods, demons, men, birds):—dvi-ja, vulg. dvij, adj. & s.m. Twice-born;—a man of any one of the first three castes of the Hindūs (but particularly a Brāhman), whose investiture with the sacred thread at the age of puberty constitutes, religiously and metaphorically, his second birth; any oviparous animal (as a bird, snake, etc.):—dvija-patnī, s.f. 'The wife of a twice-born,' a Brāhman's wife:—dvija-priyā, s.f. lit. 'Dear to a twice-born'; the Soma or moon-plant, Asclepias acida:—dvija-dās, s.m. 'Slave of the twice-born'; a servant of the first three classes, a man of the servile caste, a Śūdra:—dvij-rāj, or rājā, or rājū, s.m. 'King of the twice-born,' the moon;—`king of the birds,' an epithet of Garur;—`king of the serpents,' an epithet of Anant:—dvija-sevak, s.m.=dvija-dās, q.v.:—dvija-kutsit, s.m. 'Despised by the Brāhmans'; the tree Cordia latifolia, and C. myxa:—dvi-jā, s.f. A kind of fragrant plant, Siphonanthus indicus; gum olibanum:—dvijāti, adj. & s.m.=dvi-ja, q.v.:—dvi-jāyanī, s.f. The sacred thread or cord worn over the shoulder and marking the first three twice-born classes of Hindūs:—dvi-janmā, adj. & s.m. Having a double birth, having two natures, regenerate;—a member of the first three classes, especially a Brāhman (see dvi-ja):—dvi-dhā, adv. Divided; in a two-fold manner; in two parts; of two kinds or sorts; in two ways, in two directions:—dvi-dhātu, adj. Having two roots, or two natures, etc.:—dvi-rad, adj. & s.m. Two-toothed, two-tusked;—an elephant:—dvirūp, dvi-rūpī, adj. (f. -inī), Of two forms, biform, two-fold:—dvi-saptāh, s.m. A fortnight:—dvi-śaph, adj. & s.m. Clovenfooted;—a cloven-footed animal:—dvi-karmak, adj. Having two functions or objects;—s.m. (Gram.) A causative verb:—dvi-khaṇḍ, adj. Divided into two parts, cloven, split:—dvi-gu or dvi-gu samās, s.m. A compound word the first member of which is a numeral (the word dvi-gu, 'having two cows,' is itself an example of this class of compounds):—dvi-guṇ, Doubled, double, two-fold, etc. (see dugnā, and dūnā):—dvi-guṇā-kr̤it, adj. Twice-ploughed (as a field):—dvi-guṇit, adj. Doubled, double, multiplied by two; folded; invested, enveloped:—dvi-guṇatā, s.f. The state of being two-fold, duplication:—dvi-gunottar (guṇa+ut˚), s.m. An ambiguous reply:—dviguṇī-bhūt, dvi-guṇī-kr̤it, part. adj. Doubled, augmented:—dvi-mātra, dvi-mātrik, adj. Containing two syllabic instants; of or pertaining to a double mātra;—s.m. (in Gram.), a long vowel:—dvi-mukh, adj.=du-muṅhā, q.v.;—s.m. A species of serpent, Amphisbœna; a leech:—dvi-mukhāhi, The serpent Amphisbæna (=dvi-mukh):—dvi-vaćan, s.m. (in Gram.) The dual number:—dvi-vidh, adv. Of two sorts, biform, of two kinds, bipartite; in two ways:—dvi-vidhā, s.m.=dubdhā, q.v.:—dvi-vedī, s.m.=dube, q.v.:—dvi-hr̤idayā, s.f. lit. 'Having two hearts'; a pregnant woman:—dvyarth, adj. & s.m. Having two senses or interpretations, meaning two different things, ambiguous, equivocal; having two different objects;—two-fold meaning, double entendre.