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दोष dosha, vulg. dosh, s.m. Fault, vice, defect, bad or noxious quality, blemish; blame, accusation, reproach, calumny; badness, wickedness, sinfulness; offence, transgression, wrong, sin, guilt, crime; damage, harm, detriment; bad consequence; morbid affection, disease; disorder of the humours of the body, defect in the functions of the wind, or the bile, or the phlegm, or the circulation:—doshāpatti (˚sha+āp˚), s.f. The misfortune or calamity of crime or guilt:—doshāććhādan (˚sha+āć˚), s.m. Covering or hiding sin or fault:—dosh-patr, s.m. Bill of accusation, indictment:—doshdāyak, adj. & s.m. Attributing blame (to), finding fault with, accusing;—a fault-finder, blamer, accuser, calumniator:—dosh denā(-ko) = dosh lagānā, q.v.:—dosh-kar, adj. Causing evil or harm, hurtful, doing injury (to), deteriorating, impairing:—dosh-kalpan, s.m. Attributing blame, reprehending, condemning:—dosh-gāyak, adj. & s.m. Singing the defects (of), censorious, slanderous, etc.;—a calumniator, etc.:—dosh-grāhak, dosh-grāhī, adj. Seizing on defects, fault-finding, censorious, vituperative, malicious, malignant:—dosh-grasta, part. adj. & s.m. Involved in crime or guilt, convicted, guilty;—a guilty person, a criminal, sinner:—dosh lagānā(-ko), To impute a fault or crime (to), to blame, accuse (of, -kā); to calumniate:—dosh-moćan, adj. & s.m. Pardoning offences, etc.;—one who overlooks or pardons an offence or fault, etc.:—dosh-vat, dosh-vant, dosh-vān, adj. (f. -vatī), Having faults, faulty, defective, etc. (=doshī, q.v.):—dosh honā, v.n. To be blamed, be accused (of); to be sick after childbirth (from neglect of regimen).