धड़ dhaṛ, दहड़ dahaṛ[Prk. दढं; S. दृढं], adj. & s.m. Firm, hard, strong, stout, compact, solid; intense, excessive, severe, violent, fierce, furious;—firmly, tightly, compactly; fearlessly, right forward, decidedly, plainly, flatly; violently, noisily;—s.f. A noisy fall or blow, a thump, bump, thud, etc.:—dhaṛ-ā-dhaṛ, s.f. A smart or sharp succession of sounds (as of falling bodies, blows, firing, etc.), rattling, thumping, banging, etc.;—adv. With a loud and continued noise, bang-bang, rattle, thumpthump, crash-crash, thud-thud:—dhaṛ-ā-dhaṛ-ī, s.f. A smart succession of noises, quick or repeated hammering or thumping, etc. (see dhaṛ-ā-dhaṛ); report (of fire-arms), crack, crash, explosion:—dhaṛ-dhaṛor dahaṛ-dahaṛ, adv. Intensely, violently, fiercely, furiously, noisily, with a crack, or crash, etc.;—s.f. Intense or repeated noise or rattling, etc.; knock, rap (at a door, etc.), rat-tat; shaking, shivering:—dhaṛ-dhaṛjalnā, v.n. To burn furiously, to blaze:—dhaṛ-dhaṛrahnā, v.n. To beat, palpitate, flutter:—dhaṛ-dhaṛkarnā, v.n. To make a rattling noise, etc., to knock (at a door); to make a noise (with a drum), to beat (a drum):—dhaṛ-dhaṛkāṅpnā, v.n. To shake or shiver violently.
Origin: Hindi