धड़ा dhaṛā[Prk. धटअं; S. धऽर् +कं], s.m. A body, band, party, side, faction;—a weight (usually of ten ser), or the quantity weighed by it; a counter-balancing weight; a large weight made up by counter-balancing stones, etc. against a small weight, and adding them to that weight, and so on, till the original weight is doubled, or quadrupled, or any required standard of weight is obtained:—dhaṛāuṭhānā(-kā), To weigh (by means of a dhaṛā):—dhaṛābāṅdhnā, v.n. To make up a party or side;—to make up a standard to weigh with (see dhaṛā):—dhaṛe bandhnā, or paṛnā, v.n. To be split up into bands, or parties, or factions:—dhaṛākarnāor kar-lenā(-kā), To balance, to counterpoise:—ulṭādhaṛābāṅdhnā, To frame or bring a counter charge.
Origin: Hindi