धन्य dhanya, adj. Bringing wealth; fortunate, auspicious, well-fated, lucky, happy, blest; good, virtuous, worthy of greatness or glory;—intj. Well done! bravo! how fortunate! what happiness! blessings (on you)!—dhanyabhāgya, vulg. dhan-bhāg, s.m. Good fortune, happy lot:—dhanya kahnā, v.t. To call blessed; to pronounce blessings on, to bless:—dhanya mānnā(-kā), To express devout thanks (for), to be very grateful (for):—dhanya mere bhāgya, Blessed is my lot! happy man am I! what a fortunate thing for me!—dhanya-vād, vulg. dhan-bād, s.m. Thanksgiving, thankfulness, thanks; praise, applause:—dhanya-vād karnā(-kā), To express thankfulness or thanks (for); to give praise, to applaud (for):—dhanya-vādī, s.m. One who gives utterance to thanks; one who praises or congratulates.