धरना dharnā[dhar˚= Prk. धर(इ)=S. धर(ते) 'place,' and धर(ित), 'seize,`rt. धृ ], v.t. To place, put, putdown, deposit, lay, lay down; to pledge, stake; to put on, apply; to put (to), apply (the mind, or ear, etc.), to keep (at);—to have (in the hand), to hold, lay hold of, clutch, grasp, gripe, seize, to hold fast or pertinaciously; to take; to assume; to keep, retain; to catch, seize, apprehend, give in charge; to take (a side), espouse (a cause), entertain or hold (an opinion); to have, possess, hold, own, occupy, take possession of; to acquire, receive, obtain:—dhar-denā, v.t. (intens.), To put down, set or lay down; to pledge, stake, etc. (=dharnā):—dhar-rakhnā, v.t. To put aside, put by, lay by; to keep, retain, take care of:—dhar-lenā, v.t. (intens.) To lay hold of, take hold of, grasp, seize (=dharnā):—dharghasīṭnā, v.t. To drag off or away by main force; to pull or haul away.
Origin: Hindi