◀Previous 200 Entries26326. دهرشنا 26327. دهركار 26328. دهركال 26329. دهركنا 26330. دهرگ 26331. دهرم26332. دهرمات 26333. دهرمتا 26334. دهرمتا 26335. دهرمتو 26336. دهرمتو 26337. دهرمشٹ 26338. دهرمشٹھہ 26339. دهرمن 26340. دهرمی 26341. دهرن 26342. دهرن 26343. دهرنا 26344. دهرنا 26345. دهرنا 26346. دهرندهر 26347. دهرنگا 26348. دهرنی 26349. دهرنی 26350. دهرنیت 26351. دهرو 26352. دهرو 26353. دهروا 26354. دهروانا 26355. دهروت 26356. دهروڑ 26357. دهروكی 26358. دهرول 26359. دهرونا 26360. دهروهر 26361. دهروهڑ 26362. دهري 26363. دهري 26364. دهري 26365. دهریا 26366. دهریانا 26367. دهریچا 26368. دهریل 26369. دهرین 26370. دهرینڈي 26371. دهریہ 26372. دهڑ 26373. دهڑ 26374. دهڑ 26375. دهڑا 26376. دهڑاخا 26377. دهڑادهڑ 26378. دهڑادهڑي 26379. دهڑاكا 26380. دهڑام 26381. دهڑدهڑ 26382. دهڑدهڑانا 26383. دهڑك 26384. دهڑكا 26385. دهڑكا 26386. دهڑكا 26387. دهڑكانا 26388. دهڑكن 26389. دهڑكنا 26390. دهڑكھا 26391. دهڑلا 26392. دهڑنگ 26393. دهڑوا 26394. دهڑواءی 26395. دهڑوءی 26396. دهڑوڑ 26397. دهڑي 26398. دهڑي 26399. دهڑي 26400. دهس 26401. دهسا 26402. دهسان 26403. دهسان 26404. دهسانا 26405. دهساو 26406. دهستور 26407. دهسك 26408. دهسكا 26409. دهسكنا 26410. دهسم 26411. دهسمی 26412. دهسن 26413. دهسنا 26414. دهسنی 26415. دهش 26416. دهش 26417. دهشت 26418. دهقان 26419. دهقانی 26420. دهقانیت 26421. دهقانیہ 26422. دهك 26423. دهك 26424. دهك 26425. دهكا 26426. دهكار 26427. دهكانا 26428. دهكانا 26429. دهكدهك 26430. دهكدهكانا 26431. دهكدهكی 26432. دهكڑپكڑ 26433. دهكڑمكڑ 26434. دهكڑي 26435. دهكم دهكا 26436. دهكنا 26437. دهكیانا 26438. دهكیل 26439. دهكیلا 26440. دهكیلنا 26441. دهكیلو 26442. دهكیلوان 26443. دهگ 26444. دهگاڑ 26445. دهگدگی 26446. دهگدهگانا 26447. دهگدهگی 26448. دهگڑ 26449. دهگڑا 26450. دهگڑهاءی 26451. دهگڑي 26452. دهگولنا 26453. دهل 26454. دهل 26455. دهلا 26456. دهلاءی 26457. دهلان 26458. دهلان 26459. دهلانا 26460. دهلانا 26461. دهلدهلانا 26462. دهلنا 26463. دهلنا 26464. دهلنا 26465. دهلواءی 26466. دهلوانا 26467. دهلی 26468. دهلی 26469. دهلیانا 26470. دهلیز 26471. دهلینڈي 26472. دهم 26473. دهم 26474. دهم 26475. دهم 26476. دهماچوكڑي 26477. دهمادهم 26478. دهمار 26479. دهماكا 26480. دهمال 26481. دهمالیا 26482. دهمپال 26483. دهمچا 26484. دهمدهمانا 26485. دهمدهماهٹ 26486. دهمدهوسر 26487. دهمرا 26488. دهمس 26489. دهمك 26490. دهمك 26491. دهمكا 26492. دهمكا 26493. دهمكانا 26494. دهمكاهٹ 26495. دهمكنا 26496. دهمكی 26497. دهمكیلا 26498. دهملا 26499. دهملاءی 26500. دهمنا 26501. دهمنی 26502. دهموكا 26503. دهموكا 26504. دهمیلا 26505. دهن 26506. دهن 26507. دهن 26508. دهن 26509. دهن 26510. دهن 26511. دهن 26512. دهن 26513. دهن 26514. دهن 26515. دهنا 26516. دهنا 26517. دهنا 26518. دهنا 26519. دهنا 26520. دهنا 26521. دهنا 26522. دهنا 26523. دهناڈهیہ 26524. دهنارجن 26525. دهناسري


धमर् dharma, vulg. dharm, and H. धरम dharam, s.m. lit. 'That which is to be held fast or kept'; ordinance, statute, law, rule, usage, practice, custom; customary observances of caste, sect, etc., religious observances, religion, piety; prescribed course of conduct, duty, obligation; business, profession; caste; right, justice, equity, legality; the god of justice, etc.; the judicial system; virtue, morality, morals; merit, righteousness, right dealing, probity; good works; propriety, fitness; innocence:—dharmāt, dharmātmā(˚ma+āt˚). adj. & s.m.f. Religious, pious, virtuous, just;—a pious or virtuous person, a saint;—the Holy Spirit;—s.f. Justice:—dharm-ātar, s.m. A charitable grant (=dharmārth):—dharm-āćār, s.m. The observance of religion or of prescribed duty, etc. (whether ceremonial or otherwise); religiousness of behaviour;—dharm-āćāror dharm-āćārī, s.m. (f. -ini), One who practises the principles or the ceremonies of religion, etc. (seedharm-ćārī):—dharmā-dharm (˚ma+adh˚), s.m. Religion and irreligion; right and wrong; justice and injustice:—dharmādharm-parīkshā, s.f. lit. 'Test of right and wrong'; a kind of ordeal by drawing lots or slips of black and white paper:—dharmā-dharmī, s.f. Swearing to one another:—dharmā-dhikār, vulg. dharmadhikār (˚ma+adh˚), s.m. The administration of justice; the right to administer law; the office of a judge:—dharmādhikārī, vulg. dharmadhikārī, and dharmādhyaksh (˚ma+adh˚), vulg. dharmādhīksh, s.m. Minister of justice, chief officer of justice, an administrator of the law, a judge, magistrate:—dharmārth (˚ma+ar˚), adv. For the sake of justice or religion, for religious purposes;—s.m. A charitable grant, religious endowment:—dharmārthī(˚ma+ar˚), s.m. One who is jealous for justice or religion:—dharmāraṇya (˚ma+ar˚), s.m. A sacred grove or wood; name of a sacred forest in Madhyadeśinto which Dharma is said to have retired:—dharmāsan (˚ma+ās˚), s.m. Throne of justice, judgment seat, the bench:—dharmānurāg (˚ma+an˚), s.m. Passion for religion, etc., zeal:—dharmānurāgī, adj. & s.m. Having a passion for religion, zealous, enthusiastic in religious matters;—a religious zealot or enthusiast:—dharmānusār (˚ma+an˚), s.m. Conformity to law or virtue; course or practice of duty;—adv. In conformity to law, etc., according to law or duty etc.:—dharmāvatār, vulg. dharm-autār (˚ma+av˚), s.m. Incarnation of Dharma, or god of justice (an epithet of respect for a just or upright man); your holiness; your excellency; his holiness, etc.:—dharm-upadeś= dharmopadeś, q.v.:—dharm-upadeśak= dharmopadeśak, q.v.:—dharm uṭhānā, v.n. To swear by (one's) creed, to take an oath:—dharm-bāp, s.m. Adopted father; god-father:—dharm-biparīt, adj. Contrary to law or justice, opposed to religion or duty, unlawful or unjust; impious, immoral:—dharm-bhāginī, s.f. A virtuous and amiable wife:—dharm-bhāgī, s.m. A just or virtuous man:—dharm-bhesh, s.m. A profession of religion:—dharm-bheshī, s.m. Professor of a religion:—dharm-beṭā, s.m. (f. -ī), Adopted child; godson:—dharm-pālak, adj. Cherishing the observance of the law, observing the law, dutiful:—dharm-patr, s.m. A deed of gift or endowment for a religious purpose;—the glomerous fig-tree, Ficus glomerata:—dharmputr, s.m. A lawful son, a son begot from a sense of duty; 'son of the god Dharma,' an epithet of the Pānḍu prince Yudishṭhir:—dharm-pati, s.m. One who, in the name of religion, exercises care for a defenceless widow; a lawfully married man; a man who has a first and only wife:—dharm-patnī, s.f. A lawful wife (one lawfully married and of the same caste as her husband):—dharm-pradhān, adj. & s.m. Eminent in piety;—one who is eminent in piety:—dharm-pravartak, s.m. An advocate of religion:—dharm-pravrityarth, s.m. A seeker after dharm, q.v.;—adv. For the sake of establishing religion, etc.:—dharmpustak, s.m. Holy Scripture (as the Bible, the Qor`ān, etc.):—dharm-tulā, s.f. 'The scales of religion'; weighing or considering religion for the purpose of enquiry:—dharm-tyāg, s.f. Abandonment of religion, apostasy; abandonment of virtue, or duty, etc.:—dharmtyāgī, s.m. An apostate; a renegade:—dharmjnān, vulg. dharm-gyān, s.m. The knowledge of moral, legal, and religious duty:—dharma-jna, vulg. dharma-gya, adj. Knowing the law or what is right, knowing (one's) duty, conversant with virtue:—dharm-ćārī, adj. & s.m. (f. -inī), Observing the law, fulfilling (one's) duties, practising virtue, virtuous, dutiful, moral;—one who is observant of religion or duty, etc.; an honest spouse:—dharm-ćārinī, s.f. A dutiful and virtuous wife:—dharm-ćintan, s.m., ordharm-ćintā, s.f. Pondering on the law or duty, study of virtue, consideration of moral duties, virtuous reflection:—dharm-dās, s.m. lit. 'Slave of duty,' etc.; an attendant upon a temple:—dharm-droh, s.m. Violation of law or right, injustice, oppression:—dharm-drohī, adj. & s.m. Violating the law, or right, etc., wicked, immoral;—a wicked or unjust man, an infidel; a villain:—dharm-divā-kar, s.m. An epithet of the chief light of a religion; e.g. Christ, Rāma, Moḥammad, etc.:—dharm-dūt, s.m. A messenger in the cause of religion:—dharmdhārī, adj. & s.m. Supporting or maintaining justice or the law, etc., virtuous, just, moral;—a maintainer of justice, etc.:—dharmdhvajor dharm-dhvajī, adj. & s.m. Displaying the flag or colours of religion;—one who makes a livelihood by assumed devotion, a religious hypocrite or impostor:—dharm-ḍhīhā, s.m. A mass or accumulation of dharm, q.v.:—dharmrāj, dharm-rā`e, s.m. 'King of justice,' just king; an epithet of Yama or Pluto, and of Yudhishṭhir, and of Arjun;—a king (in general); (for dharm-rājya), a kingdom where justice is administered; ruling justly:—dharmrāj karnā, To rule justly:—dharm-rakshā, s.f. Fostering religion, or law, etc.; zeal for religion (whether ceremonial or otherwise):—dharmrakshak, s.m. A guardian or patron of law, or justice, or religion:—dharm-rūp, dharm-rūpī, adj. Having the form of virtue, etc., consisting of, or replete with, virtue; virtuous, righteous:—dharm-rodhī, adj. Obstructing the law, opposed to law or virtue, illegal, immoral;—a lawbreaker, etc.:—dharm-rīt, s.f. Religious ceremonies or customs:—dharm-sālā, s.m.=dharm-śālā, q.v.:—dharm-sabhā, s.f. A court of justice, tribunal; an assembly of pious persons; a religious society:—dharm-stambh, s.m. 'Pillar of righteousness'; an epithet of a very religious man:—dharm-sthal, s.m. 'Place of justice'; name of a town:—dharm-samāj, s.f. A religious society (=dharm-sabhā):—dharmsambandhī, adj. & s.m. Of or relating to religion, etc.;—anything inherent in or relating to religion:—dharm-sanhitā, s.f. A code or collection of laws (especially the work of some saint or divine person, as Manu, etc.):—dharmsūy, s.m. Sacrifice, religious oblation:—dharmse, adv. In good faith, honestly; solemnly:—dharm-setu, s.m. 'Barrier of justice'; an epithet of Śiva; name of a son of Aryak:—dharm-śāstr, s.m. A body or code of laws (esp. the code of Hindūlaw), jurisprudence:—dharm-śāstrīya, adj. Of or relating to the code of Hindūlaw; lawful:—dharm-śālā, s.f. A court of justice; an edifice erected for pious purposes, a charitable institution, hospital, alms-house, monastery, a place of rest for travellers and pilgrims;—dharm-sīl, adj. Of a virtuous disposition, virtuous, just, pious:—dharm-śīlatā, s.f. or dharm-śīlatva, s.m. Piety of disposition; virtuousness:—dharm-kā, adj. (f. -ī), Adopted by law; of or relating to law:—dharm-kāj, s.m., or dharm-kārya, s.m., or dharmkriyā(vulg. kiryā), s.f., or dharm-karm, s.m. A religious or virtuous act, work of merit, religious duty or exercise, any indispensable act of religion; righteous conduct, acting according to law:—dharm karnā, To perform a duty; to do justice; to practise virtue, do good; to give alms:—dharm-kshetr, s.m. The department or province of the law;—name of a plain in the north-west of India near Dehli (the scene of the great battle between the Kurus and Pāṇḍus, commonly called Kurukshetr):—dharm kamānā, v.n. To store up treasure in the future world by good works and a virtuous life, to work out (one's) salvation:—dharm khānā, v.n.=dharm uṭhānā, q.v.:—dharm-granth, s.m. The book of the law, the sacred scriptures (as the Bible, the Vedas, the Qor`ān, etc.; syn. dharm-pustak):—dharm-gurū, s.m. A teacher of religion, etc.:—dharm-grahaṇ, s.m. Observance of moral or religious precepts, accepting or following the law:—dharm-gaur, s.m. A Brāhman or Gaur:—dharm-gyān, s.m.=dharma-jnān, q.v.;—dharmmūrtti, dharam-mūrat, s.m. 'Image of righteousness,' an epithetof respect (used by Brāhmans, etc. in addressing a Rājāor a Vaiśya):—dharm-mūl, s.m. The foundation of Hindūlaw and religion; the Vedas:—dharmamay, adj. Consisting of law or virtue, made up or replete with virtue; moral, righteous:—dharm-nibandh, s.m. Attachment to virtue or religion, piety, virtue:—dharm-nibandhī, adj. Attached to virtue; engaged in religious duties; pious, holy:—dharm-nish-patti, s.f. Fulfilment or discharge of duty, moral or religious observance; duty:—dharm-nishṭh, s.m. The ordinances of religion:—dharm-nishṭhā, s.f. Firmness in religion; steadfastness in virtue:—dharm-vādī, adj. Discussing the law or duty; contending or talking about religion:—dharmvān, adj. Endowed with virtue, virtuous, pious, upright, just, lawful:—dharmopadeś, vulg.dharm-upadeś(˚ma+up˚), s.m. Instruction in law or duty; a discourse on religion; moral or religious instruction:—dharmopadeśak, vulg. dharm-upadeśak, s.m. A teacher of the law, a gurūor spiritual preceptor:—dharmvat, dharm-vant, adj.=dharm-vān, q.v.:—dharm-vivād, s.m. Contention or dispute about religion:—dharm-vivāh, s.m. A legal marriage (it is of five kinds, viz. Brāhma, Daiva, Arsha, Gandharb, and Prājapatya):—dharm-vivećan, s.m. Judicial investigation:—dharm-vetā, s.m. One who is acquainted with the law and religion:—dharm-hīn, adj. Devoid of religion or virtue, unrighteous, faithless, worthless:—dharm-yuddh, s.m. A religious war, a crusade:—haṭ-dharm, adj. Lawless, irreligious, faithless:—haṭ-dharmī, s.f. Irreligion, faithlessness.
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