धान dhān [S. धान्यं], s.m. The rice plant; rice in the husk; a sort of fire-work (rice husks filled with powder and attached to a small stick):—dhān-pān, s.m. lit. 'Rice-leaf'; (fig.), a slender or delicate object or creature;—adj. Slender, slim, thin, delicate:—dhān-kāṭīor dhān-kaṭṭī, s.f. Rice-cutting, reaping the rice crop:—dhān-kuṭṭā, s.m. A pounder or thresher of rice:—dhān-kuṭṭī, s.f. Pounding rice to separate it from the husk, threshing rice:—dhān-kīkhīleṅor khīliyāṅ, s.f. Swollen parched rice.
Origin: Hindi