धातु dhātu, s.m. An element, primary or elementary substance (viz. earth, fire, water, air, atmosphere); constituent element of the body; primary or essential fluid or juice, a secretion; semen; the matter which oozes in a gleet; a humour or affection of the body (as phlegm, wind, and bile); any one of the five qualities or properties of the elements observed by the organs of sense (viz. sound, tangibility, colour, flavour, smell); a primary element of the earth or of mountains, a mineral, fossil, metal, ore; the primary element of words, root, crude form, radical, verbal root:—dhātu-bidyā(for dhātuvidyā), s.f. Metallurgy:—dhātu-bhr̤it, adj. Promoting the elementary juices or secretions:—dhātu-pa, vulg. dhātup, s.m. The alimentary juice, chyle:—dhātu-padārth, s.m.=dhātu (a tautological form):—dhātu-rājak, s.m. The seminal fluid, semen:—dhātu-śekhar, s.m. 'Chief of minerals,' green sulphate of iron, green vitriol:—dhātu-kāśīś, s.m. Red sulphate of iron:—dhātu-māriṇi, s.f. 'Dissolving metals'; borax:—dhātu-mākshik, s.m. Sulphuret of iron:—dhātūpal (˚tu+up˚), s.m. 'The stone among metals,' chalk:—dhātu-vādī, s.m. An assayer; a miner;—a mineralogist, metallurgist:—dhātu-vāstu, s.m.=dhātu (a tautological form):—dhātu-vallabh, s.m. 'Friend of metals'; borax (used as a flux):—dhātu-vairī, s.m. 'Enemy of metals'; sulphur.