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िदन dina, vulg. din, s.m. Day (of twentyfour hours); a day (of twelve hours); daytime; time; circumstances; lot, fate;—(pl.) days, period of life, age:—dinārambh (˚na+ār˚), s.m. Beginning of day, day-break, morning:—dinānt (˚na+an˚), s.m. End or close of day, sunset, evening:—dināndha, dināndh (˚na+an˚), adj. & s.m. Day-blind;—the owl (see dinaundhā, dinaundī):—dināvasān (˚na+av˚), s.m. Close of day, evening:—din-ba-din, adv. Day by day, day after day, every day, daily, from day to day:—din bahuṛnā, din bhale ānā, v.n.=din phirnā, q.v.:—din-bhar, adv. The whole day, all day:—din bharnā(-ke), To occupy the whole day (about a thing); to pass a life of pain and sorrow, to drag out one's days:—din-pāt, s.m. Daily bread, subsistence, livelihood:—din-pati, s.m. 'The lord of day,' the sun:—din-prati, adv. Every day, daily (=pratyek din):—din-par din, adv.=din-ba-din, q.v.:—din paṛnā, v.n. (Evil) days to befall, to be unfortunate; to become a widow:—din pūre karnā(-ke), To serve, or go, or to live one's full time; to drag out one's days, etc.(=din bharnā):—din phirnā, v.n. The days or times to take a (favourable) turn, to begin to prosper (after adversity):—din phūlnā, v.n. Day to break, to dawn:—din ṭer karnā= din bharnā, q.v.:—din-jyotish, s.m. Sunshine; daylight:—din-ćaṛhānā, To commence (any business) late in the day; to be late, to delay; to earn wages without labour, to eat the bread of idleness:—din ćaṛhnāor ćaṛh-jānā, v.n. The day to be far advanced, or to advance, the sun to rise;—to pass beyond the time (of menstruation,—a woman); to conceive:—din-ćaṛhe, adv. Late in the morning, when the day is (or was) far advanced:—din ćhipnā, v.n. The day to disappear, the sun to set:—din-dānī, adj. & s.m. Giving daily;—a very beneficent person:—dindin, adv. Every day, daily, always (=din-badin):—din-din-kā, adj. (f. -ī), Daily:—dindiwāle, din-do-pahar, din-dahāṛe, din-dhaule, din-diye, adv. In broad daylight, in open day:—din-diyā, s.m. Daylight:—din ḍhalnā, v.n. The day to close, the sun to decline, to grow late:—din-ḍhale, adv. In the afternoon, at eventide:—din-rāt, din-rātā, din-rāti, din-rain, s.m. A day and a night; day and night; day or night;—adv. Incessantly, uninterruptedly, without intermission, constantly:—din-se, adv. While yet day, early in the day, during the daytime, before sunset:—din kāṭnā(-apne), To pass (one's) days with difficulty, or in hardship or pain; to drag out one's days:—din kaṭnā, v.n. The days to be passed in hardship, or with difficulty:—din-kar, s.m. 'Day-maker,' the sun:—din-kar-kar, s.m. A ray of the sun;—2˚(poet.) genit. (Hindi) of din-kar, q.v.:—din-ko tāre dikhānā(-ko), 'To show (one) stars by daylight,' to make stars dance before one's eyes (by a blow, etc.), to beat severely:—din-ko din rāt-ko rāt na jānnāor samajhnā, To have no consciousness of day or night, to take no note of time; to be absorbed in thought, or business, etc.:—din khasnā, v.n.=din ḍhalnā, q.v.:—din khulnā, v.n.=din phirnā, q.v.:—din gaṅwānā, To waste time, to trifle away time:—din lagnā(-ko), To give oneself airs (=hawālagnā):—dinmān, s.m. Length of a day:—din-maṇi, s.m. 'The jewel of day'; the sun:—din mundnā, v.n. The day to draw to a close, the sun to set, to grow late:—din nikalnā, v.n. The day to appear, the sun to rise, to dawn:—dinoṅ-ko dag̠ā(or dhokā) denā, To cheat one's (ill) fate; to live in great distress or misery:—dines, dinesā, dineś(˚na+īś˚), s.m. 'The lord of day,' the sun (=dinpati):—baṛādin, s.m. Broad day; 'the great day,' Christmas day;—adv. Late in the morning:—pūre din honā, To have completed the period of gestation (a pregnant woman), to be gone (her) full time.
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