Previous 200 Entries25872. دگھی 25873. دگوار 25874. دگوان 25875. دگی 25876. دل 25877. دل25878. دل 25879. دلا 25880. دلا 25881. دلاءِل 25882. دلار 25883. دلارا 25884. دلارنا 25885. دلاسا 25886. دلاك 25887. دلاكی 25888. دلال 25889. دلال 25890. دلال 25891. دلالت 25892. دلالہ 25893. دلالی 25894. دلامل 25895. دلانا 25896. دلانا 25897. دلانا 25898. دلاو 25899. دلاور 25900. دلبا 25901. دلبند 25902. دلت 25903. دلت 25904. دلچا 25905. دلداپیشگیر 25906. دلدر 25907. دلدرتا 25908. دلدري 25909. دلدل 25910. دلدل 25911. دلدلا 25912. دلدلانا 25913. دلدلاهٹ 25914. دلدلی 25915. دلدهردي 25916. دلفن 25917. دلفین 25918. دلق 25919. دلك 25920. دلك 25921. دلكپاٹ 25922. دلكنا 25923. دلكنا 25924. دلكھنا 25925. دلكی 25926. دلمہ 25927. دلمہ 25928. دلمیان 25929. دلن 25930. دلنا 25931. دلہ 25932. دلہا 25933. دلھا 25934. دلہارا 25935. دلہارن 25936. دلہاري 25937. دلہن 25938. دلھن 25939. دلھی 25940. دلھیا 25941. دلہینڈي 25942. دلو 25943. دلواءی 25944. دلوالی 25945. دلوانا 25946. دلوانا 25947. دلویا 25948. دلویا 25949. دلی 25950. دلی 25951. دلی 25952. دلیا 25953. دلیپ 25954. دلے پنج 25955. دلیتی 25956. دلیچا 25957. دلیر 25958. دلیرانہ 25959. دلیري 25960. دلیگندهی 25961. دلیل 25962. دلیلی 25963. دلیما 25964. دلینتی 25965. دلینڈي 25966. دم 25967. دم 25968. دم 25969. دم 25970. دم 25971. دماترا 25972. دماد 25973. دماع 25974. دماغ 25975. دماغی 25976. دماما 25977. دمامہ 25978. دمان 25979. دمانا 25980. دمانك 25981. دمءی 25982. دمبال 25983. دمبھہ 25984. دمبھی 25985. دمپتی 25986. دمپتی 25987. دمپل 25988. دمچی 25989. دمدمانا 25990. دمدمہ 25991. دمرك 25992. دمركا 25993. دمري 25994. دمڑا 25995. دمڑي 25996. دمك 25997. دمك 25998. دمكا 25999. دمكا 26000. دمكڑا 26001. دمكل 26002. دمكلا 26003. دمكنا 26004. دمكھڑا 26005. دمل 26006. دملی 26007. دم مدار 26008. دمن 26009. دمن 26010. دمن 26011. دمنا 26012. دمنك 26013. دمنو 26014. دمنی 26015. دمنیہ 26016. دمہ 26017. دموست 26018. دموي 26019. دمی 26020. دمیدگی 26021. دمیدہ 26022. دمینتی 26023. دمیہ 26024. دن 26025. دﭤﻬﻮن 26026. دﭤﻬﻮن 26027. دنا 26028. دنا 26029. دنا 26030. دناءت 26031. دناءی 26032. دناتی 26033. دنادن 26034. دنایت 26035. دنب 26036. دنبال 26037. دنبالا 26038. دنبالہ 26039. دنبل 26040. دنبہ 26041. دنت 26042. دنتاولی 26043. دنتر 26044. دنتھل 26045. دنتھلا 26046. دنتو 26047. دنتوا 26048. دنتی 26049. دنتی 26050. دنتی 26051. دنتیل 26052. دنتیلا 26053. دنتیہ 26054. دنج 26055. دند 26056. دند 26057. دند 26058. دندا 26059. دندارو 26060. دندان 26061. دندانہ 26062. دندبھی 26063. دندكا 26064. دندم 26065. دندمار 26066. دندنانا 26067. دندو 26068. دنڈ 26069. دنڈا 26070. دنڈایمان 26071. دنڈت Next 200 Entries
dil [Zend zaredhaya; S. hr̤idaya], s.m. Heart; mind, soul; spirit, valour (see jī):—dil aṭakna, v.n.=dil phasnā, q.v.:—dil-ućāṭ-honā, dil-ućaṭnā(-se), The heart to turn (from), to be weary (of), be disgusted (with); to be alienated (from):—dil-ārā, adj. & s.m.f. Beloved;—a sweetheart:—dil-ārām, s.m.f. 'Heart-easing'; a sweetheart:—dil-āzār, adj. & s.m.f. Hearttormenting, vexing, cruel;—a sweetheart:—dil-āzārī, s.f. Torment of the heart, vexation of spirit, anxiety, trouble:—dil-āzurdā, adj. Troubled in mind, dejected; vexed, displeased, offended:—dil-āsā, s.m. 'Mind-soothing'; soothing, comfort, consolation, encouragement;—dilāsādenā(-ko), To soothe, console, comfort; toencourage:—dil-ofgār, adj. Heart-broken, dejected, melancholy, pensive (=dil-figār):—dil-āgāh, adj. Prudent, wise; provident, vigilant:—dil ulṭā ćalā ānā, v.n. The heart to be greatly perturbed, to be uneasy to distraction:—dil ānāor ā-jānā(-par), To fall, or be, in love (with):—dil-āwar, adj. Bold, brave, intrepid, warlike:—dil-āwarī, s.f. Boldness, bravery, courage:—dil-āwez, adj. Suspending the soul (with delight), heart-ravishing, transporting, delightful, charming, engaging:—dil-āwezī, s.f. Charmingness, attractiveness, allurement:—dil-bāḵẖta, adj. Heart-deluded; spiritless, timid, cowardly:—dil-bāzī, s.f. Fluttering or palpitation of the heart; rashness:—dil-baṭornā(-kā), To dishearten, discourage, deject:—dil-ba-dil, s.m. Interchange of hearts, mutual love:—dil-bar, adj. & s.m. Heart-ravishing, captivating, attractive, charming, lovely, beloved;—heartravisher, a lovely person, a sweetheart:—dil burākarnā(apnā), To take offence, become displeased;—to be sick, to vomit:—dilbardāshta, adj. Having the heart turned (from) or set (against, -se), averse (to), indifferent (to), dissatisfied, disgusted (with):—dil-bardāshtagī, s.f. Aversion; indifference; dissatisfaction, disgust:—dil-barī, s.f. Captivation of the heart; winning of the hearts or affections (of people); attraction, charm, loveliness; pacification, comfort:—dil baṛhānā(-kā), To give (one) heart, to inspirit, encourage:—dil-basta, adj. 'Heart-bound'; afflicted; attached, enamoured, in love:—dil-bastagī, s.f. Affliction or anguish of mind; attachment, friendship, love:—dilband, adj. & s.m. Attractive, charming, lovely;—a beloved child, a son:—dil bahlānā(-kā), To amuse, divert, beguile:—dil bahalnā, v.n. To be amused, or diverted, etc.:—dil pānā(-kā), To find out the mind or disposition (of), to discover what is agreeable or pleasing (to anyone); to find one agreeable:—dil-paẕīr, adj. Acceptable to the mind or soul, pleasant, delightful, amiable, approved (syn. dilpasand):—dil-par ćalnā(kisīke), To act according to the wishes (of), to be obedient (to):—dil-pasand, adj. Grateful to the heart, satisfactory or pleasing to the mind, pleasing, desirable, agreeable; esteemed; plausible, etc. (syn. dil-paẕīr):—dil pakṛā-jānā(-kā), One's intentions to be discovered, or detected:—dil phaṭnā, v.n. The heart to be breaking; to be in great sorrow or distress of mind:—dil phirnāor phir-jānā(-se), The heart to turn away (from); to be sick or weary (of), be disgusted (with):—dil phasnā, v.n. The heart to be captivated, to fall in love:—dil phernā(kā), To turn (one) away (from), to render (one) disinclined:—dil pīćhe paṛnā, v.n. The heart to be turned back (from); to forget one's sorrow, to be consoled, be quieted, be composed:—dil-tafta, adj. Heartburnt; distressed; in love:—dil taftagī, s.f. Heart-burning, distress of mind; love:—diltang, adj. Distressed, mournful, sad;—miserly, niggard (=tang-dil):—dil-tangī, s.f. Distress, grief, sadness:—dil toṛnā(kā), To break the heart (of), to dishearten, discourage; to disappoint, to mortify:—dil ṭhikāne lagnā, dil ṭhaharnā, v.n. The heart to be at rest, to be quieted, be comforted or consoled:—dil ṭhuknā, v.n. To be assured, be satisfied:—dil jalnā, v.n. The heart to burn, to be moved or affected:—dil-jam`, adj. Collected in mind, assured, contented, cheerful (=ḵẖāt̤ir-jam`, q.v.):—diljam` rakhnā(apnā), To keep the mind at ease, to rest assured:—dil-jam`ī, s.f. Ease of mind, assurance, confidence; security, content:—diljam`īkarnā(-kī), To set (one's) mind at rest or ease, to give assurance or confidence (to), to satisfy:—dil-jo, adj. Heart-seeking, studious of pleasing; grateful, agreeable, desirable:—diljo`ī, s.f. Seeking to gain the heart (of another); study to please; attention; sympathy:—dil-jo`īkarnā(kī), To study the inclination or wish (of), to try to please, etc.:—dil ćurānā(-kā), To steal the heart (of); to draw the heart away (from, -se), to abstain (from), to be deterred and desist (from an enterprise); to be inattentive (to), to neglect, etc., see jī ćhipānā:—dil-ćasp, adj. Beloved, pleasant, delightful, interesting, alluring, engaging, charming:—dil-ćaspī,. s.f. Delightfulness, etc.:—dil-ćalā, adj. (f. -ī), Persevering; brave; resolute; enterprising; generous:—dil ćalānā(-meṅ), To stimulate the heart (in); to be brave (in):—dil ćalnā(-par), The heart to be set (on), to desire:—dil-ćalī, s.f. Bravery, courage; resolution; generosity:—dil-ćor, adj. Heart-ravishing, captivating;—inattentive, negligent;—timid:—dil ḥāẓir honā, v.n. To have presence of mind:—dil-ḵẖarāsh, adj. Heart-rending, horrible, excruciating, vexatious; grieved to the heart:—dil-ḵẖarāshī, s.f. Wounding of the heart, torment:—dil-ḵẖasta, adj. Heart-broken, afflicted; lovesick:—dil-ḵẖẉāh, adj. & s.m. Beloved; desirable; desiring; in love;—what one likes or longs for, heart's desire, a beloved object; desire, affection:—dil-ḵẖẉush, adj. Contented, cheerful, glad, pleased:—dil ḵẖẉush karnā(-kā), To gladden or cheer the heart (of), to please, amuse, divert:—dil-ḵẖẉushī, s.f. Contentment, cheerfulness:—dil-dāda, adj. Who has given his heart:—dil-dār, adj. & s.m.f. Possessing or winning the heart, delighting the heart, charming;—having heart, encouraged;—a lover, mistress, sweetheart (syn. dil-bar):—dil-dārī, s.f. Demonstrations of love, kindness, blandishment; consolation; encouragement:—dil-doz, adj. Heart-piercing:—dil-dih, adj. Hearty, earnest, zealous:—dil-dihī, s.f. Giving the heart (to a thing or work), heartiness, earnestness, alacrity;—consolation; encouragement:—dil dekhnā(-kā), To look into the heart (of); to study the temper (of), ascertain the inclinations or wishes (of):—dil denā(-ko), To give the mind (to), to apply oneself diligently (to); to lose the heart (to), to be in love:—dil-rubā, adj. & s.m.f. Heart-ravishing, bewitching, alluring;—a charmer, sweetheart:—dil-rubā`ī, s.f. Heart-stealing, ravishment, allurement:—dil rakhnā(-kā), To possess the heart or affection (of); to show consideration for the feelings or wishes (of), to please, gratify, oblige; to comfort, console;—to encourage; to conciliate:—dil-resh, adj. Wounded to the heart, afflicted; in love:—dilreshī, s.f. Wound of the heart; affliction:—dilzada, adj. Wounded or stricken to the heart:—dil-sāz, adj. Pleasing the heart, delightful:—dilsāzī, s.f. Pleasing the heart, delighting; ardour:—dil-sitān, adj. Heart-stealing, ravishing, beautiful:—dil-sard, adj. Coldhearted, cold, indifferent, averse:—dil saṅbhālnā(apnā), To take heart or courage, to nerve (oneself to an effort):—dil-soḵẖta, adj. 'Heart-burnt'; afflicted; grieved:—dil-soz, adj. & s.m.f. Heart-burning, heart-inflaming; beloved; moving, affecting, touching, pathetic; sympathetic; compassionate, benevolent; passionate, ardent, fervent;—a friend; a sweetheart;—dil-soz ḵẖāna-tarāsh, s.m. An enemy under the semblance of a friend:—dilsozī, s.f. Heart-burning, warmth of feeling; ardour, fervour; affection; sympathy, compassion:—dil-shuda, adj. Whose heart is lost, enamoured, in love; bereft of reason, deprived of the senses:—dil-shikasta, adj. Broken-hearted, comfortless; sorely afflicted:—dil-faroz, adj. Heart-enlightening; heartcheering, delightful, pleasant, recreating, refreshing:—dil-fareb, adj. Heart-alluring, enticing, bewitching, enchanting, fascinating, charming, beautiful, lovely:—dil-figār, adj. Heart-broken, mournful, dejected, sad, melancholy, pensive;—an epithet of a sweetheart:—dil-kābādshāh, Monarch of one's (own) heart:—dil-kāphapholāphoṛnā, see dilke phaphole toṛnā:—dil-kār, adj. Affecting the heart:—dil kaṛākarnā, or dil-kaṛwākarnā, 'To harden the heart,' to summon up courage or resolution (for):—dil-kash, adj. Heartattracting, alluring, attractive, winning, engaging, pleasant; beloved, approved, chosen:—dil-kushā, adj. Heart-expanding, blissful, delightful, charming, exhilarating:—dil-kushā`ī, s.f. Delightfulness, etc.:—dil-kashī, s.f. Attractiveness, winningness, female attraction, loveliness:—dil-ko lagnā(-ke), To touch the heart, to affect; to approve itself (to):—dil-khaṭṭākarnā(-kā), To turn the heart (of anyone) against (one), to displease, offend:—dil-ke phaphole phoṛnā, or toṛnā(apne, or kisī-ke), To relieve the mind (of pain; or of a feeling of ill-will, or revenge, etc.); to take revenge, pay off old scores; to minister consolation (to);—to rip up old sores, to renew a half-forgotten grief:—dil-ke phaphole ṭūṭnā, v.n. The mind to be relieved, etc.:—dil-gudāz, adj. Heart-dissolving, heartmelting, pitiful:—dil-gurda, s.m. Courage:—dil-garm, adj. Warm-hearted, animated, ardent, fervent; full of desire, brave:—dil-garmī, s.f. Warm-heartedness, warmth of heart; friendship; ardour, alacrity:—dil-gīr, adj. Seizing or captivating the heart; terrifying, filling with horror or anguish; heart-stricken, oppressed in mind, afflicted, concerned, grieved (at or with, -se), low-spirited, melancholy, sad:—dil-gīrī, s.f. Affliction, sorrow, concern, sadness, melancholy, etc.:—dil-lagānā, To set the heart or mind (on, -meṅ), give or apply the mind (to); to intend; to give the heart (to), fall in love (with, -se):—dil-lagan, adj. Mindful, attentive, busy:—dil lagnā, v.n. The heart to be given or applied (to, -meṅ), to be attentive (to); to be attached (to, -par, or -kīt̤araf), to be enamoured (of), be in love (with):—dil-lagī, s.f. Application of mind, attention, diligence; inclination; attachment, friendship; diversion, merriment, joking, fun, jest:—dil lenā(-kā), To captivate or win the heart (of, to discover or ascertain the wishes or feelings (of):—dil-māne, adv. As the heart might wish, to the heart's desire:—dil-murg̠, s.m. A kind of arrow:—dil masos-kar rahnāor rah-jānā, To press the heart and be still, to bear quietly or patiently:—dil maz̤būt rakhnā, To keep or bear a stout heart:—dil mailākarnā, To cloud the heart (with grief, or vexation, etc.), to take to heart, to be grieved or displeased:—dil-meṅjagah denā(-ko), To place in the heart, to cherish, love:—dil-meṅdil ḍālnā(-ke), To put one's own heart or mind into (another), to cause one to think or feel as oneself does; to exercise influence (over); to possess the heart (of):—dil-meṅ ḍālnā(-ke), To put into the heart (of), to inspire:—dil-meṅrakhnā(-ko), To keep hidden in the mind, keep to oneself; to bear in mind, to remember:—dilmeṅfarq honā(-ke), To feel distrustful (of), to distrust, suspect:—dil-meṅkhub-jānā(-ke), To obtain a place in the heart (of), to possess the heart (of):—dil-meṅkahnā, To say to oneself:—dil-meṅghar karnā(-ke), 'To take up (one's, or its) abode in the heart (of), to win the heart or affections (of), to contract intimate friendship (with):—dil-meṅlānā= dil-nishīn karnā:—dil-nishīn, adj. Heart-residing, impressed on, or implanted in, the mind; forming a subject of constant thought; grateful to the mind, agreeable, pleasing:—dil-nishīn karnā(-ke), To implant in the mind (of), to fix or impress on the mind (of):—dil-navāz, adj. & s.m.f. Soothing the mind, soothing; gracious, conciliating; beloved;—a mistress, sweetheart:—dil-nawāzī, s.f. Blandishment:—dil-nihād, s.m. Anything on which the heart is fixed, an object of affection, a sweetheart; attention:—dil-wālā, adj. (f. -ī), Spirited, courageous, bold; large-hearted, generous, liberal:—dil-o-jān, s.m. Heart and soul; tooth and nail;—dil-o-jān-se, adv. With heart and soul, heartily, cheerfully:—dil-o-dimāg, s.m. 'Heart and brain'; loftiness of soul; ambition; pride; stateliness:—diloṅ-dil, adv. To the very heart, to the heart's core:—dil hāth-se denā, To lose heart, to be faint-hearted; to lose command over oneself:—dil haṭ-jānā(-se, or -kīt̤araf-se), The heart to turn (against), to be averse (to):—dil honā(-par), The heart to be set (on); to be tender (towards):—dil-hīdil-meṅ, adv. In the inmost heart; to oneself, silently:—dil-ī-dil, s.m. A secret;—adv. Kept secret; secretly, to oneself (=dil-hīdil-meṅ):—ek dil hokar, adv. With one mind, with one consent, unanimously:—baṛādil-karnā, To show largeness of heart, to practise liberality, be very liberal: be-dil, adj. Heartless; dispirited, discouraged; unwilling, averse;—s.m. One who has lost his heart, a lover:—be-dilī, s.f. Spiritlessness; discouragement; unwillingness, aversion.
Origin: Persian