दल dala, vulg. dal, s.m. A small shoot, leaf (of a tree); wild rice;—a lump, mass, heap, quantity; thickness, bulk, volume; a company, party or body (of men, united together for a common object,—hence, sometimes used in Hindīas a sign of the plural, e.g. kashī-dal, 'farmers'); a large army, a host;—destruction:—dalāḍhak (˚la+āḍh˚), s.m. Name of several plants; the aquatic plant Pistia stratioites; a species of jasmine, Jasminum pubescens; wild sesamum; the plant Messua ferrea (com. called nagesar); the tree Acacia sirissa:—dalāmal (˚la+am˚), s.m. The plants Vangueria spinosa and Artemisia, etc.:—dal-bādal, s.m. A mass of clouds; a large army; a large tent or pavilion:—dal-pushpī, s.f. The fragrant plant Pandanus odoratissimus (the leaves of which surround the flower; syn. ketkī):—dal-dār, adj. Thick, substantial, solid; full, fleshy, pulpy:—dal-sūsā(S. dala+snasā), s.f. The fibre or vein of a leaf:—dal-kapāṭ, s.m. A folded leaf or petal:—dal-kosh, s.m. lit. 'Having young shoots incased in sheaths'; a sort of jasmine, Jasminum pubescens:—dal-ganjanā, s.m. A kind rice:—dal-milā-hu`ā, adj. (Bot.) Monophyllons:—dalnāś, s.m. The destruction of an army, or of a body of people:—dal-nirmok, s.m. lit. 'Leafshedding'; a kind of birch (the bark of which is used for wrapping woollens in, and for ḥuqqasnakes, etc.; syn. bhoj-patr):—dal-wāl, s.m. Commander of an army:—dale-gandhi, s.m. 'Fragrance in the leaf'; the plant Echites scholaris.