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दख ु dukh [Prk. दक्खं ु =S. दःखं ु ], s.m. Pain, ache, ailment, affliction, suffering, distress; misery, trouble, sorrow, grief, uneasiness, unhappiness; difficulty; oppression; vexation, annoyance, bother; fatigue, labour, toil;—adj. (f. -ā), Painful, disagreeable, unpleasant; uneasy, uncomfortable, troublesome, difficult:—dukh uṭhānā, v.n. To suffer pain, to be afflicted; to experience difficulty, etc.; to take trouble or pains:—dukh baṭānā(-kā), To share the trouble or sorrow (of another):—dukh bharnā, dukh bhugatnā, v.n. To suffer distress or trouble, put oneself to incovenience; to labour, toil:—dukh-bahul, adj. (f. -ā), Full of trouble, suffering excessively, abounding with distress or trouble, etc.:—dukhbhanjan, s.m. A breaking or destroying of grief or affliction; an epithet of God (considered as the destroyer of affliction):—dukh-bhog, s.m. Suffering, affliction:—dukh bhognā= dukh bharnā, q.v.:—dukh-bhogin, dukh-bhogī, adj. & s.m. Suffering or sharing pain, sorrow, or trouble;—one whose portion is pain, etc.:—dukh pānā, v.n. To suffer pain or trouble, to be afficted:—dukh-prada, adj. & s.m. Painimparting;—a giver or causer of pain, etc.:—dukh-jīvī, s.m. One who passes life in pain or distress:—dukh-ćhinna, part. Pierced by sorrow, pained, afflicted, distressed:—dukh-da, dukh-dānī, dukh-dāyak, dukh-dā`īor dāyī, adj. & s.m. Pain-imparting, painful, afflictive, grievous, troublesome, vexatious, oppressive;—one who gives or occasions pain, a painer, tormentor, persecutor, etc.:—dukh-dāhak, adj. & s.m. Burning up affliction;—one who burns up or destroys the miseries, etc. (of another):—dukh-dagdha, adj. Burnt or tormented by affliction, pained, distressed:—dukh-dhandhā, s.m. Trouble and toil, hard or distressing work:—dukh-dīn, part. adj. (poet.)=dukh-diyā, perf. part. of next, q.v.:—dukh denā(-ko), To give pain (to); to occasion trouble, to bother:—dukh-sāgar, s.m. 'Ocean of trouble,' the world; deep distress:—dukh-sukh, s.m. Pain and pleasure:—dukh-kār, dukh-kārī, dukh-kar, dukh-kartā, adj. & s.m. Causing or occasioning pain, sorrow, or trouble, etc.;—one who occasions pain, etc. (see dukh-dā`ī):—dukh-kāmārā, adj. & s.m. Afflicted, wretched, miserable;—afflicted one, poor wretch:—dukhkhanḍan, adj. & s.m. Pain-destroying;—one who destroys the trouble, etc. (of another):—dukh-grāhak, adj. & s.m. Grief-removing, etc.;—dukh-labhya, adj. To be effected or obtained with difficulty, hardly procurable:—dukh lagnā, v.n. To feel pain:—dukh-may, adj. & s.m. Abounding in pain, consisting of suffering, etc.;—one whose nature is made up of suffering:—dukh-nikand, s.m. The uprooting of grief or trouble, etc.:—dukh-nivāraṇ, adj. & s.m. Preventing or warding off trouble, or affliction, etc.;—the prevention of trouble, etc.:—dukh-hārī, dukh-hartā, dukh-haraṇ, adj. & s.m. Taking away pain or grief, etc.;—a remover or reliever of pain, etc.;—an anodyne:—dukh-han, adj. & s.m. Destroying or removing pain, trouble, or sorrow, etc.;—paindestroyer, pain-killer.
Origin: Hindi
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