दक्ष daksha, vulg. daksh, adj. & s.m. Able, competent, fit, suitable; dexterous, deft, expert, adroit, skilful, clever;—an able, or clever, or dexterous person; a scholar, panḍit;—name of one of the Prajāpatis, sons of Brahmā:—dakśhādhvara-dhwaṅsa-kr̤it (˚ksha+adh˚), s.m. 'Disturber of the sacrifice of Daksha'; an epithet of Śiva (Daksha having instituted a sacrifice to which he invited all the gods except his son-in-law Śiva and his wife Satī, the latter went unbid, and being received contemptuously, threw herself into the fire; upon which an emanation or incarnation of Śiva was produced named Vīra-bhadra, who attacked Daksha, and a general affray ensued: Daksha was decapitated, but was restored to life by Śiva at the prayer of the gods):—daksha-prajāpati, s.m.=daksh (see prajā-pati):—daksha-jā, s.f.=daksha-kanyā, q.v.:—daksha-sut, s.m. 'Son of Daksh,' (=praćetas):—daksha-sutā, and daksha-kanyā, s.f. 'Daughter of Daksha,' Durgā(called also Pārvatī, Devī, Satī, etc.).