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िदक् dik (fr. िदश् , q.v.;—euphonically changed to dig, in comp., before certain letters; and com. written dig in Hindī), s.m. (but fem. in S.), Point of the compass, quarter, direction, side, way; space, region, tract; (in comp.) -wards (e.g. uttar-dig, 'northwards'):—digambar, adj. & s.m. 'Sky-clothed'; having only the sky or atmosphere for raiment, clad by the regions of space, unclad, stark naked;—a naked person; a naked Hindūascetic; an order of ascetics of the Jain sect who go naked (if clad in coloured cloth, they are called pītāmbar; if in white, svet-āmbar); a member of that order, a Jain mendicant; an epithet of Śiva (from his being naked), and of certain of his devotees:—dig-ant, s.m. The end ofspace, the horizon, remote distance:—dig-antar, s.m. Another region, a distant quarter; aërial space, the atmosphere:—dik-pāl, dig-pāl, s.m.=dik-pati, q.v.:—dig-pālan, s.m. The functions of a digpāl or guardian deity of any region:—dik-pati, dig-pati, s.m. The regent or guardian of one of the ten regions or points of the compass, or of a quarter of the world (of these guardian deities there are two divisions; 1˚Astronomical, viz. the Sun, of the east; Saturn, of the west; Mercury, of the North; Mars, of the south; Venus, of the south-east; Rahū, of the southwest; the Moon, of the north-west; and Jupiter, of the north-east;—2˚Mythological, viz. Brahma, for upwards; Ananta, for downwards; Indra, of the east; Varuṇa, of the west; Kuvera, of the north; Yama, of the south; Agni, of the south-east; Nirriti, of the south-west; Marut or Vāyu, of the north-west; and I`śāna or Śiva, of the north-east):—dik-śūl, dig-śūl, s.m. Any inauspicious planetary conjunction (as for the Sun and Venns to be in the west, etc.); see diśā-śūl, s.v. diśā;—dig-gaj, s.m. 'Elephant of the quarter'; a mythical elephant of one of the eight quarters or points (which, with others at different quarters, is supposed to support the world); (met.) great, large, huge:—dig-wār, digwān, s.m. A guard, watchman:—dig-vibhāg, s.m. Point or quarter of the compass, point, quarter, direction:—dig-vijay, s.m. Subjugation of various countries in all directions; subjugation of extensive tracts of country (whether by arms or controversy), universal conquest:—dig-vijay-kram, s.m. Invasion of various countries, going forth to conquer the whole world:—dig-vijayī, s.m. Conqueror of many realms, or of the world:—dig-vyāpī, adj. Spreading through all space.
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