दसहरा dasahrā[S. दश+हर+कः], s.m. lit. 'The taker away of ten sins'; the tenth of Jaiṭh śukl-paksh, the birthday of Gangā, and the festival held on that day (whoever bathes in the Ganges on that day is said to be purified from ten sorts of sins);—the tenth of as in śuklpaksh, and the festival held on that day in honour of Durgāor Devī(on this day, after the worship and religious ceremonies performed during nine nights (nava-rātrī), images of Devīare thrown into the river. On this day, it is said, Rāma marched against Rāvana, on which account it is called vijay-dasamī. This day is celebrated with great pomp by Hindūprinces; the weapons and instruments of war are hallowed; and, if war be intended, the campaign is then opened);—(local) The Mohammadan marriage ceremony in which the bridegroom visits the bride's house for ten days:—dasahrā-ḵẖarć, s.m. Expenses attending the Dasahrāfestival; a cess levied by a zemīndar on his tenants (consisting of rice, milk, ghee, etc.).
Origin: Hindi