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दरु् dur (=dus, q.v., for which it is used before vowels and soft consonants), insep. prefix, (implying) Evil, bad, badly, wicked, wickedly, wrong, contemptible; difficult, hard, with difficulty, painful, troublous; slight, inferior, etc., and sometimes equivalent to the English prefix in- or un-:—dur-abhigrah, s.m. lit. 'Difficult to be laid hold of'; the plant Achyranthes aspera:—dur-abhigrahā, s.f. Cowach, Mucuna pruritus; Alhagi maurorum:—dur-uttar, adj. Unanswerable:—dur-atikram, adj. Difficult to be surpassed or overcome, difficult to be conquered, unconquerable; difficult of performance or accomplishment, insurmountable; difficult to be escaped from, inevitable:—dur-ishṭha, (superl.) adj. & s.m. (f. -ā), Very bad, very wicked;—a very wicked person;—a great crime; extreme wickedness:—dur-ant, adj. (f. -ā), Having a bad end, ending ill or in misery, miserable, unhappy:—dur-ātmā, adj. & s.m. Evil-natured, wicked, bad, vile;—a rascal, scoundrel, villain:—dur-āćār, s.m. Bad behaviour, bad conduct, wickedness;—misdeed, malpractice, delinquency, etc.:—adj. (f. -ā)=next, q.v.:—dur-āćārī, adj. & s.m. (f. -inī), Addicted to evil practices, disregarding or deviating from established practices; wicked, depraved, vicious, irreligious, profligate, reprobate;—an irreligious man, an evil-doer, a profligate, reprobate, etc.:—dur-ādharsh, adj. & s.m. Difficult to be attacked, unassailable, dangerous;—white mustard:—dur-ārādhya, adj. & s.m. Difficult to be won over or propitiated; difficult to be worshipped;—one who is worthy of being conciliated, or of devotion, even at the cost of pain or trouble to ooneself:—dur-āroh, adj. & s.m. (f. -ā), Difficult of ascent;—the palm tree, the date tree, etc.:—dur-ārohā, s.f. The silk-cotton tree:—dur-āśā, s.f. Bad hope or expectation; hopelessness:—dur-ālāp, s.m. Curse, imprecation; scurrilous or abusive language, abuse:—dur-ālabh, adj. (f. -ā), Difficult to be laid hold of or handled; difficult of attainment:—dur-ālabhā, s.f. The prickly plant Alhagi maurorum:—dur-bās, s.f. Bad odour;—adj.=dur-vāsas, q.v.:—dur-bāsā, adj.=dur-vāsas, q.v.:—dur-bāsī, adj. Having an offensive smell, stinking, fetid;—s.f. (colloq.), A name for Visarg:—dur-baćan= dur-vaćan, q.v.:—dur-buddhi, dur-buddhī, adj. & s.m. Weak-minded, silly, foolish; ignorant, stupid; perverse, evil-minded, badly-disposed;—a foolish, or a perverse, man, etc.; a wretch;—s.f. Weak-mindedness, silliness, ignorance, stupidity, dulness; perverseness, obstinacy, evilmindedness:—dur-buddhitā, s.f.=dur-buddhi, q.v.:—dur-bal, adj. (f. -ā), Of little strength, weak, feeble; thin, emaciated, impotent, nerveless, powerless; faint, poor (see dublā):—dur-balatā, s.f. Weakness, feebleness, thinness, impotence, etc.:—dur-bhāg, s.m. Ill-luck, misfortune:—dur-bhāgī, adj. & s.m. Ill-fated, unfortunate, luckless;—an unfortunate person, luckless wight:—dur-bhāgya, adj. & s.m.=durbhāgī, and dur-bhāg:—dur-bhāgyata, s.f.=durbhāgyatva, s.m.=dur-bhāg, q.v.:—durbhāv, dur-bhā`o, s.m. Bad disposition, illtemper; bad behaviour, ill manners:—durbhićh= dur-bhiksha, q.v.:—dur-bhaksha, adj. Difficult to be eaten:—dur-bhiksha, s.m. Scarcity of provisions, dearth, famine, want in general:—dur-bhagā, s.f. A wife disliked by her husband; a bad-tempered woman:—dur-jāt, adj. & s.m. Badly or inauspiciously born or produced; wretched, miserable, unhappy; badnatured, bad, wicked; of a bad kind, not genuine, false;—misfortune, calamity; illcondition; disparity; impropriety:—dur-jāti, adj. Vile, low, outcast, wicked:—dur-jar, adj. Difficult of digestion, indigestible, hard:—durjan, adj. & s.m. Low-bred; vile; wicked, bad, malicious, mischief-making;—a bad man, wicked wretch, mischievous person, villain, scoundrel:—dur-janatā, s.f.=dur-janatva, s.m. Wickedness, villainy; low breeding:—durjneya, adj. Difficult to be known or understood, hard to be discovered:—dur-jay, adj. (f. -ā), Difficult to be subdued or overcome, hard to win or conquer, invincible:—dur-ćār, corr. of dur-āćār, q.v.:—dur-darś, adj. Difficult to be seen, difficult to be met with; disagreeable or painful to the sight:—dur-dr̤ishṭa, part. adj. Illseen (lit.or fig.); ill-examined, imperfectly investigated; not well ascertained; looked at with an evil eye:—dur-dasāor daśā, s.f. Bad situation, evil plight, adversity, misfortune, calamity, misery; unsteadiness;—dur-daśākarnā(-kī), To reduce (one) to an evil plight, to ill-use;—dur-daśā-grasta, adj. In straitened, difficult, or unpleasant circumstances, in evil plight, badly off, distressed;—dur-dam, adj. Difficult to be subdued:—dur-din, s.m. A dark, cloudy, or rainy day; bad weather:—dur-dant, adj. & s.m. Having formidable teeth;—a creature with formidable teeth:—durdevor daiv, s.m. Ill-luck, misfortune:—durkām, s.m. Bad action:—dur-kāmī, adj. (f. -inī), Evil. doing, wicked, iniquitous, bad, lustful:—dur-karman, s.m. A bad action;—an evildoer:—dur-ga, durg, See s.v.:—dur-gā, See s.v.:—dur-gat, adj. In bad circumstances, in evil plight, unfortunate, poor, indigent, in trouble; distressed; suffering pain or affliction:—dur-gati, s.f. Bad circumstances, wretched condition, misfortune, poverty, straits, indigence, want; abjectness, meanness;—a difficult path or situation;—hell:—dur-gam, adj. & s.m. Difficult to be traversed or travelled over, difficult of access or approach, impassable, inaccessible, impervious, unattainable; difficult of attainment, difficult to be understood, profound, deep;—anything difficult or profound, etc.:—dur-gamatā, s.f. dur-gamatva, s.m. Inaccessibleness, unapproachableness, imperviousness, etc.; profundity, depth:—dur-gandh, s.f. Bad smell, bad odour, stink, stench, any ill-smelling substance;—adj. & s.m. Ill smelling, illscented, stinking, fetid;—a stinking fellow, a stinkard, etc.:—dur-gandhī, adj. (f. -inī) = durgandh, q.v.:—dur-ghaṭ, adj. (f. -āor -ī), Difficult to be accomplished, difficult, impossible, unattainable:—dur-labh, adj. (f. -ā), Difficult to be obtained, hard to be attained, difficult of attainment or accomplishment; difficult to be found or met with, scarce, rare; excellent, eminent; dear, beloved;—s.m. A species of Hedysarum, or Curcuma:—durlabhā, s.f. A species of prickly nightshade:—dur-lakshaṇ, s.m. An evil mark, unlucky sign, evil omen:—dur-matior -matī, adj. & s.m. Weak-minded, silly, ignorant, simple; evilminded, malicious, wicked;—a stupid or silly person, a blockhead;—an evil-minded person, etc.;—s.f. Foolishness, folly:—dur-mukh, adj. & s.m. (f. -ī), Having an ugly face, ugly, hideous; foul-mouthed, abusive, scurrilous;—an ugly person; a foul-mouthed person:—dur-mil, s.m. The seventh Yogeshvara, q.v.:—dur-milā, s.f. The name of two species of metre, one consisting of 4 by 32 syllabic instants, the other consisting of 4 by 8 anapests:—dur-milikā, s.f.=dur-milā:—dur-manā, adj. Distressed or troubled in mind, depressed in spirit, discouraged, sad, melancholy, meditating sorrowfully:—dur-mūlya, adj. & s.m. (f. -ā), High-priced, dear, costly, precious;—anything of high price or value;—costliness, dearness:—dur-muhūrt, s.m. An inauspicious hour or moment:—dur-medh, dur-medhā, adj. Dullwitted, simple-minded, silly, stupid, ignorant, uninformed:—dur-nām, s.m. A bad name, discredit, disrepute, infamy, obloquy, slander:—dur-nāmā, s.m. Piles or hemorrhoids:—dur-nāmnī, s.f. A cockle, a kind of muscle:—dur-nāmī, s.m. A disreputable or infamous person; a slandered person;—durnivār, adj. Difficult to be kept back, or stopped, or checked, etc., unrestrainable; difficult to be contradicted; difficult to suppress, irrepressible; invincible, unconquerable:—dur-ṇīt, adj. & s.m. Ill-behaved, ill-governed; impolitic: untoward, froward;—bad conduct, misconduct; bad policy, impolicy:—dur-ṇīti, s.f. Misconduct; bad policy; injustice, bad management, maladministration:—durvāć, dur-vaćya, dur-vād, s.m.=dur-vaćan, q.v.:—dur-vāsas, adj. Badly clad, denuded, naked;—s.m. Name of a r̤ishior saint:—durvaćan, s.m. Harsh expression, censure, reproach; abusive language, abuse; obloquy, slander; an unlucky or ill-omened utterance:—dur-vidhi, s.m. 'Bad fate,' bad luck, misfortune;—also=dur-bhā`o, q.v.:—dur-vr̤itt, adj. & s.m. Behaving badly, misbehaved, leading a low or infamous life, following disreputable habits or business, vile, wicked, criminal;—a rogue, cheat, blackguard, blackleg; a juggler:—dur-vr̤itti, s.f. Bad circumstances, distress, misery;—disreputable conduct, bad practices, the leading a low or infamous life, following a disreputable occupation; fraud, knavery; or juggling:—dur-van, s.m. A dense, impenetrable forest:—dur-hr̤iday, adj. (f. -ā), Bad-hearted, evil-minded.
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