ḥawāla (for A. حوالة ḥawālat, fem.; v.n. fr. حول 'to change; to shift,' etc.), s.m. Transfer; commitment; charge, trust, care, custody; possession; consignment (of any property, duty, or liability in trust); assignment (for payments);—reference, allusion;—ḥawāle, adv. & postpn. In the charge, or care, etc. (of, -ke):—ḥawāla-dār, s.m. One employed to protect the grain before it is stored; a steward or agent employed for the management of a village;—a military officer (in native regiments) of inferior rank;—a head constable:—ḥawāla denā, v.t. To make a reference; to quote an authority:—ḥawāle karnā, v.t. To give in charge or possession (of, -ke), to hand or make over, to transfer, to consign, commit, doliver in trust, to intrust; to deposit:—ḥawāla honā, v.n. To be in charge, etc.
Origin: Persian