jahān, vulg. jahāṅ(Old P. gehān, gīhān, jihān; Pehl. gehān; Zend gaetha), s.m. The world:—jahān-ārā, adj. World-adorning:—jahān-afirīn, s.m. Creator of the world:—jahānbān, s.m. Keeper or protector of the world; the Deity; a powerful monarch:—jahān-bīn, adj. & s.m. World-seeing; an epithet of the Deity; (met.) the eye; a traveller:—jahān-panāh, s.m. World-protection; protector or asylum of the world; his majesty; your majesty!:—jahānpanāh salāmat, Long live the king! (the cry of the naqīb or herald who rides before the sovereign):—jahān-tāb, adj. World-inflaming; heating or warming the world (the sun):—jahān-jahān, adj. Much; many:—jahān-dār, s.m. Possessor or ruler of the world, a king:—jahāndārī, s.f. Rule, dominion, government, empire:—jahān-dīda, s.m. One who has seen the world, a great traveller; an experienced person:—jahān-soz, adj. & s.m. Worldinflaming;—an incendiary; a fire-brand:—jahān-gard, adj. & s.m. Going round the world;—one who goes round the world, a great traveller:—jahān-gīr, adj. & s.m. World-taking, world-subduing;—a great conqueror, a sovereign; name of the son and successor of the Emperor Akbar:—jahān-gīrī, adj. & s.f. Of or relating to Jahangīr; of or relating to a sovereign, royal, princely;—universal sway;—a sort of bracelet:—jahān-numā, adj. Worldexhibiting (as a lofty tower, etc.).
Origin: Hindi