जहां jahān, prov. िजहां jěhāṅ[i.e. jit+thān; Prk. जेिƣअ+थाने; S. यावत् +ःथाने], adv. (correl. tahāṅ), Which place, where, in the place which; wherever, wheresoever:—jahāṅ-tak, jahāṅ-talak, adv. As far as:—jahāṅ-tak hosake, As far as possible:—jahāṅ-tahāṅ, adv. Here and there, all about; promiscuously; in some few spots or places:—jahāṅ-tahāṅphirnā, To wander; to straggle:—jahāṅ-jahāṅ, adv. Wherever, wheresoever:—jahāṅ-se, adv. From which place, whence:—jahāṅ-kā- (or -kī-, or -ke-) tahāṅ, adv. Here, there, and everywhere; everywhere;—in the same place as before, without change of position or situation:—jahāṅ-kahīṅ, adv. Wherever, wheresoever:—jahāṅ-lag, jahān-loṅ, adv. (dialec.)=jahāṅ-tak, q.v.
Origin: Hindi