jahāz, s.m. A ship; the tree of a camel's saddle, or the saddle and its appurtenances; the requisites, or equipments, or the paraphernalia, of a bride (which she carries to her husband's house, syn. jahez, q.v.); funeral apparatus;—the pudendum of a woman:—jahāz-ě-āhanī, s.m. An iron ship; an iron-clad:—jahāz-par, adv. Aboard a ship, aboard, on board:—jahāz-se asbāb utārnā, To discharge cargo, to unload a ship:—jahāz-shikanī, s.f. Shipwreck:—jahāz-kājahāz, s.m. A ship itself, quite a ship (applied adjectively to any thing or person of great size):—jahāz-ko rāsta batānā, To pilot a ship;—jahāz-ke utāre-kījagah, A landing-place for ships, a port (syn. bandar):—ćor-jahāz, s.m. A privateer; a pirate.
Origin: Arabic