झाड़ना jhāṛnā[caus. of jhaṛnā;—jhāṛ˚= Prk. झाड(इ) or झाडे(इ)=S. शादय(ित), rt. शद्], v.t. To cause to drop or fall; to strain; to shake (trees, carpets, etc.), to beat (bushes, etc.); to shake off, to cast (its feathers, as a bird); to brandish or flourish (a sword, stick, etc.), to make a cut (at); to give one a shaking or a set-down; to knock off, break off; to dash, strike, flap; to shed sparks, to strike out fire (as from a flint); to conjure, hocus-pocus, to repeat spells or charms over:—jhāṛnā-phūṅknā, v.t. To exorcise, to repeat spells or charms over (a sick person).
Origin: Hindi