झाड़ा jhāṛā[rt. of jhāṛnā+ā= Prk. अओ=S. अ+कः], s.m. Sweeping, cleaning, clearing; minute search (made by making a person suspected of stealing take off all his clothes); sweepings; a stool, purge, evacuation; excrement, dirt, filth;—conjuring, hocus-pocus, incantation:—jhāṛā-jhapṭālenā(-kā) = jhāṛālenā, q.v.:—jhārā-jhūṛī, s.f. Search:—jhāṛādenā(-ko), To submit to minute search (of one's person); to hocus-pocus, conjure, mutter incantations (over):—jhāṛālenā(-kā), To search (one's person) minutely:—dūkān-jhāṛā, s.m. Sweepings of a (druggist's) shop; compound medicine.
Origin: Hindi