जगह jagah [S. ज+गातु , by redupl.; cf. P. jā, and gāh, and jā`e-gāh], s.f. Place, station, quarter, locality; room, stead; vacant space, blank; opening, vacancy, post, appointment, situation; fit occasion (as for anger, etc.):—jagah-jagah, adv. Here and there; everywhere:—jagah ćhoṛnā, v.n. To leave a place; to leave a vacant space or blank:—jagah denā(-ko), To give place or room (to); to place; to make room (for), to lodge:—jagah sir honā, jagah-se honā, v.n. To be in place, to be opportune or proper:—jagah-meṅ, jagah, adv. & postpn. In the place or room (of, -kī), instead (of).
Origin: Hindi