जग jag [Prk. जगु; S. जगत् q.v.], s.m. The world, earth, universe:—jag-ādhār, s.m. 'The support of the universe,' the Supreme Being:—jag-bandhu, s.m. 'Friend of the world,' God:—jag-pālak, s.m. 'Preserver of the world,' the Supreme Being; a sovereign or king:—jagpati, s.m. 'Lord of the universe'; an epithet of Vishnu, and of Śiva; a king or prince:—jagtārak, jag-tāraṇ, jag-trātā, s.m. The Saviour of the world; the Ganges (according to the Hindūreligion):—jag-jān, s.m.f. An epithet of any living creature:—jag-jagat, s.m. The universe:—jag-jananī, s.f. 'Mother of the universe'; any chief goddess (as Pārvatī, etc.):—jag-joni, s.m. An epithet of Brahma:—jag-jītā, adj. Victorious over the world:—jagjīv, s.m. A living creature:—jag-jīvan, s.m. An epithet of the Supreme Being as the giver of life:—jag-rājā, jag-rāy, jag-rā`ī, jag-rāyā, s.m. 'Monarch or Lord of the Universe,' the Supreme Being:—jag-dhārī, s.m. 'Upholder of the world,' the Supreme Being; (in Myth.) any chief deity:—jag-kartār, s.m. 'Creator of the world'; Brahma:—jag-ghoni, s.m. An epithet of Brahma:—jag-mūl, s.m. 'Root or foundation of the universe'; God:—jag-mohanī, s.f. An epithet of any very charming woman:—jag-nivās, s.m. Inhabiting the universe, dwelling in the world:—jag-nivāsī, s.m. An inhabitant of the world:—jag-vāsī, s.m.=jag-nivāsī:—jag-vaṅćit, jag-vanćak, s.m. 'Deceiver of the world,' a great hypocrite:—jag-vikhyāt, adj. & s.m. Of worldwide renown; a person of world-wide renown:—jag-vikhyāti, s.f. World-wide celebrity:—jag-vyavahār, s.m. The way of the world, universal custom:—jag-hansā`ī, s.f. Cause of universal or general laughter; whatever causes general laughter:—jageśvar, vulg. jag-gīsar (jag+īśvara), s.m. 'Lord of the universe'; an epithet of Vishṇu, and of Śiva.
Origin: Hindi