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जोग jog [Prk. जोगो; S. योगः], s.m. Joining, uniting, fitting; connection, union; yoking; putting to (horses); meeting, contact; mixture, combination, association; method, means, mode, manner; propriety, fitness, suitability; fixing (an arrow or other weapon); application of a remedy, remedy, cure; consequence, result; occasion, opportunity; (in Astron.) conjunction, a lucky conjuncture, auspicious or fortunate moment; (in Arith.) addition, sum, total;—application or concentration of the thoughts (keeping the body in a fixed posture); abstract contemplation, meditation, devotion, penance; union with the Supreme Being by means of abstract contemplation; the Yoga system of philosophy (as established by Patanjali, to teach the means by which the human soul may attain complete union with the Supreme Being);—the twentyseventh part of a circlemeasured on the plane of the Ecliptic (and used in calculating the longitudes of the sun and moon); a division of the moon's path corresponding to the twentyeight Nakshatras; (in banking) the person on whom a draft or bill of exchange is drawn;—adv. By means of, by reason of, through; in consequence of; on the part of, from:—jogābhyās (S. yoga+abh˚), s.m. The manner of life and practice of Jogīs or Hindūascetics:—jogāsan (S. yoga+āsana), s.m. The posture or mode of sitting proper for profound and abstract meditation:—jog-ćāl, s.m. The precession of the equinoxes:—jog sādhnā, v.n. To practise profound and abstract meditation; to lead the life of an ascetic:—jog-sewā, s.f. The practice or cultivation of religious abstraction:—jog lenā, v.n. To retire from the world, to become an ascetic:—jog-māyā, s.f. The māyāor magical power of the Yoga, a certain illusionary power which Jogīs are supposed to possess (viz. the being able to assume at will any number of forms of their own body):—jog-nāvik, s.m. A kind of fish, Silurus ascita:—jog-nidrā, s.f. A kind of sleep (supposed to be peculiar to devotees) which admits ofthe full exercise of the mental powers, a state of halfcontemplation, half-sleep; light sleep, wakefulness:—jog-vāhī, s.m. A menstruum or medium for mixing medicines;—s.f. Alkali; quicksilver:—jogeśar, jogeś, jogeśvar (S. yogā+īś˚), s.m. A master of the Yoga; any principal sage or Jogī; one who has obtained superhuman faculties, a magician; a teacher of sacred science; a deity; the object of devout contemplation; an adorer, a devotee;—an epithet of Krishṅa, of Śiva, and of Yājnavalkya.
Origin: Hindi
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