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jawāb, s.m. Answer, reply, response (to a letter, writing, saying, or question); retort, rejoinder; anything answering to another, counterpart, facsimile, double, pair; return, reward, compensation; discharge, dismissal, congé; refusal (of an offer of marriage, etc.):—jawābu`l-jawāb, s.m. The rejoinder or reply to an answer; rejoinder:—jawāb bā-ṣawāb, s.m. A fitting or properanswer:—jawāb bālā, 'May your advice prevail,' a kind of benediction:—jawāb pānā, To get (one's) discharge or dismissal, receive (one's) congé;—jawāb-děh, adj. & s.m. Answerable, responsible, amenable, accountable;—answerer; one called to account; a respondent, defendant:—jawāb-děh rahnā(-kā), To be responsible or accountable (for):—jawāb-děhī, s.f. The giving an answer, answering; the being responsible, responsibility, liability; the defence (in a court of law):—jawāb-děhī-se barīkarnā(-ko), To relieve of responsibility; to exonerate:—jawābděhīkarnā(-kī), To respond, to defend (a suit or action):—jawāb denā(-ko), To give an answer (to), to answer, reply; to give an account (of, -kā), to account (for); to be responsible, accountable, or amenable (for); to discharge, dismiss, disband; to leave, forsake, desert:—jawāb-suwāl, s.m. Question and answer; conversation, dialogue; disputation, argument; contention, altercation:—jawāb-suwāl karnā, To argue, dispute, etc.:—jawāb-suwālī, adj. & s.m. Ready at reply or rejoinder;—one who is ready at rejoinder;—reply, rejoinder:—jawāb-ě-shāfī, s.m.=jawāb-ě-ṣāf, q.v.:—jawāb-ě-ṣhart̤, s.m. (Gram.) An apodosis, the complement or correlative of a condition:—jawāb-ě-ṣāf, s.m. A flat refusal by way of answer, a categorical answer:—jawāb-t̤alab, adj. Requiring an answer; called to account:—jawāb t̤alab karnā(-se), To request or call for an answer (from); to call to account:—jawāb-ě-qat̤`ī, s.m. A definite or conclusive answer:—jawāb karnā(-kā), To make answer; to be responsible (for); to respond, to defend (a suit):—jawāb khānā, v.n. To be answered, to be silenced:—jawāb milnā, v.n. To be discharged or dismissed (=jawāb pānā):—jawāb-nāma, s.m. A writing fixed to the winding-sheet, on the breast of the deceased, which it is intended that the angels Munkar and Nakīr (q.v.) should read in case the poor soul should be too much flurried to answer their questions:—jawāb honā, v.n. To be the counterpart (of, -kā), to correspond or agree (with); to be dismissed or discharged:—ḥarf-ě-jawāb, s.m. A responsive or replicative particle.
Origin: Arabic

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