जन्म janma, vulg. janm, and H. जनमjanam, s.m. Birth, production, origin; nativity; existence, life; state of existence; life-time:—janmāshṭamī, vulg. janam-ashṭamī(S. janma+ash˚), s.f. The eighth day in the dark half of the month Sāvan-Bhādoṅ, the birth-day of Kr̤ishṇa:—janmāntar (janma+an˚), s.m. Another birth; another state of existence; the future life; regeneration:—janmāntarīya, adj. Belonging to or done in another life; of or pertaining to another state of existence:—janmāndh, vulg. janam-andhā, adj. & s.m. Blind from birth;—one born blind:—janam-bā`olā, s.m. A born idiot:—janam bigāṛnā(apnā), To waste (one's) life; to indulge in sensual and sinful pleasures:—janam bigaṛnā, To be ruined for life; to become a widow:—janam-bhar, s.m. & adv. A whole life, a life-time;—through life, for a life-time:—janam-bhum, janm-bhūm, janm-bhūmī, s.f. Birth-place, native land, fatherland:—janm-patr, janam-pattrā, s.m.=janam-pattrī, s.f. Horoscope, astrological record of nativity, the paper or scroll on which are recorded the year, lunar day, configuration, and relative position of the planets, etc. of the birth of a particular individual, and a table of his fortunes throughout life:—janam-pattrī-kībidhi milnā, To receive (one's) destined award, to meet (one's) fate:—janm-jag, s.m. Birthplace:—janam-jalā, adj. (f. -ī), 'Burned or spoiled from birth,' originally bad; unfortunate, wretched;—very little:—janam-janam, janm-ā-janam, adv. From birth to birth, one life after another; in successive transmigrations:—janmjanmāntar, adv.=janam-janam:—janam-dātā, s.m.=janma-da, janmad, s.m. 'Birth-giver'; father, progenitor;—the Author of existence:—janm-din, janam-din, s.m. A birthday:—janmrogī, adj. & s.m. Sickly from birth;—a valetudinarian:—janm-sthān, s.m. Birth-place, native land, home:—janm-swārth, s.m. A fortunate or well-spent life:—janam-kunḍlī, s.f. A short horoscope; a generalogical table:—janm-kīl, s.m. 'Pillar or stay of birth'; an epithet of Vishnu:—janm-gat, adj. Inherent, natural:—janm-lagn, janam-lagan, s.m. The conjunction of the sun and a sign of the Ecliptic at the moment of a birth; the moment of birth; a horoscope, etc. (=janam-pattrī):—janam lenā, v.n. To become incarnate (as a deity); to be born; to transmigrate (a soul):—janm-maraṇ, s.m. Eternal death:—janmotsav (janma+ut˚), s.m. A festival held on the anniversary of Kr̤ishṇa's birthday.