jins, s.f. Genus, kind, species, sort, class; gender; family, race, stock; goods, merchandise, commodities, wares; moveables, articles, things; grain, corn; crop, products; (in Arith.) practice:—jins-ě-adnā, s.f. An inferior article, a thing of low price or value; inferior grain (for cultivation):—jins-ě-awwal, s.f. A first-class article or commodity, superior goods or wares; a first-rate crop:—jins-ě-bashar, The human race, mankind:—jins-ḵẖāna, s.m. A warehouse:—jins-ě-a`lā, jins-ě-kāmil, s.f. An article that fetches a full price; a first-rate crop (=jins-ě-awwal);—jins-wār, adj. According to kind or species, etc.; specifying crops according to kind:—jins-wār jam`-bandī, s.f. Account of revenue assessed at certain rates according to the produce or crops raised:—jins-wārī, s.f. Specification; classification;—adv. Specifically; separately, distinctly:—abnā-ě-jins, s.m. 'Sons of the same stock,' those of the same class, kind, or rank:—ism-ě-jins, s.m. A generic or indeterminate noun:—bi- (or ba-) jinsi-hi, adv. In its very kind, in every particular; in its entirety, as it is, bodily.
Origin: Arabic