ज्ञान jnān (pop. gyān), s.m. Knowledge; understanding, intellect, intelligence; sacred or religious knowledge (such as is derived from meditation on the higher truths of religion and philosophy, and which teaches man his own nature, and how he may be reunited to the supreme spirit); cognizance; consciousness:—jnānādhikya (jnāna+adh˚), s.m. Superiority or pre-eminence in intelligence:—jnān-ćarćā, s.f. The pursuit or practice of wisdom:—jnān-ćakshu, s.m. The eye of intelligence, mind's eye; intellectual vision:—jnān-darpaṇ, s.m. 'Mirror of true knowledge'; a man of Manjuśrī, one of the Jain saints:—jnān-dr̤ishṭi, s.f. Clear vision or perception (untainted either by ignorance or by sin):—jnān-daśā, s.f. A state of intelligence or knowledge:—jnān dauṛānā, v.n. To meditate deeply:—jnān sīkhnā, v.n. To acquire knowledge:—jnān-knāṇḍ, s.m. That inner or esoteric portion of the Veda which relates to true spiritual knowledge or the knowledge of supreme spirit as distinguished from the knowledge of ceremonies:—jnān-mān, jnān-vān, adj. & s.m. Endowed with knowledge or science; knowing, familiar with, intelligent, wise, learned; having spiritual knowledge;—one who understands fully, etc. (=jnānī, q.v.):—jnān-vishay, s.m. The thing called jnān, q.v.:—jnān-vi-jnān, s.m. Sacred and miscellaneous knowledge; the Vedas with the supplementary branches of knowledge, medicine, arms, etc.:—jnānopadeś, vulg. jnān-upadeś, s.m. Wise instruction:—jnāneććhu (jnāna+ić˚), adj. Desirous of knowledge or wisdom:—jnānendriya (jnāna+in˚), s.m. An organ of perception or sensation (of which there are five, viz., the skin, tongue, eye, ear, and nose); mental power, intellect.