जन jana, vulg. jan, s.m. A created being, living being, man; person, individual; mankind; (as last member of a compound) the whole race or class of; -kind, -folk, etc.; e.g. strī-jan, 'women-kind,' 'women';—bandhu-jan, 'kinsfolk'):—janāśray (jana+āś˚), s.m. An asylum or shelter for men; an inn, caravansary; a temporary hall:—janāntik (jana+an˚), s.m. Speaking aside (to another), secret communication, whispering:—jan-baćća, s.m. Offspring, family:—jan-pad, s.m. A community, nation, people; an empire, country; a province:—jan-jānwar, s.m. Man and beast:—jan-ranjan, adj. Befriending, imparting joy; inspiring with confidence; conciliating; gratifying the people: courting popular favour;—an epithet of the Deity:—jan-rava, s.m. The sound of human voices, clamour, noise; rumour, report; calumny, scandal:—jan-śruti, s.f. Hearsay, report, rumour; news, tidings, intelligence:—jan-lok, s.m. One of the seven Loks or divisions of the universe (the fifth or next above Mahar-lok, where the sons of Brahmāand other pious men reside):—janan-gam, s.m. A man of a low or degraded caste, a ćandāl:—jan-vād, s.m. 'The talk of men,' news, rumour, report; scandal:—janodāharaṇ(jana+ud˚), s.m. 'Laudation of men,' glory, fame:—jan-hit, adj. Salutary, beneficial; beneficent:—janes, janeś, janeśvar (jana+īś˚), s.m. 'Lord of men,' a king.