जमना jamnā[jam˚= Prk. जम्म(इ) or जम्मे(इ), fr. S. जन्म;+nā= Prk. अणअं=S. अनीयं], v.n. To germinate; to sprout, shoot; to grow; to take root; to come up; to become set; to become firm or fixed; to become hard or concrete; to be collected, combined, or united; to consolidate; to be congealed or frozen, to congeal; to be coagulated, to coagulate; to curdle, clot, cake, become thick; to form sediment or precipitate; to be firmly placed, be settled, be located, be seated; to cohere, adhere, stick, cling together; to stand fast, be rooted (to a spot, etc.);—to insist; to persist; to fit closely, properly, or well (in or on, -par); to be placed in order, be arranged); to have a firm hold or footing; to be firmly established or set up; to succeed, prosper, thrive, flourish; to be impressed (upon), have effect, go home (as counsel, speech, etc.); to be well planted (as a blow); to come right (as an account); to pace in the manege:—jam-jānā, v.n. intens. of and=jamnā.
Origin: Hindi