jumla (for A. جملة jumlat, fem.), s.m. Aggregate, sum, amount, total, whole; (in Gram.) a proposition; a clause; a sentence:—jumla-ě-ismīya, s.m. A nominal sentence, a sentence that begins withthe subject (subst. or pronoun), or one that is composed of an inchoative and an enunciative;—jumla-ě-shart̤īya, s.m. A conditional sentence or clause:—jumla-ě-ṣifatīya, s.m. A qualificative or adjectival sentence:—jumla-ě-fě`līya, s.m. A verbal sentence, a sentence of which the predicate is a verb (with the subject expressed, or included in the verb):—jumla-ě-muta`arriẕa, s.m. A parenthetical sentence or clause:—az ān jumla = min jumla, q.v.:—fi`l-jumla (rarely, bi`l-jumla), In short, in substance, on the whole;—min jamla, From, or out of, the whole.
Origin: Persian