jam`, vulg. jama` (inf. n. of جمع 'to collect'), s.f. A collection,a number together, an assemblage, a congregation, assembly; conjunction; accumulation;aggregate, amount, sum total, whole; (in Arith.) addition; the plural (of a word), the plural number; capital, principal, stock, assets; a fund; outlay, cost price; the credit side of an account, credit; collections, receipts; proceeds of land; the land tax, the government demand, revneue (of the state):—jam` ānā, v.n. To assemble:—jam`-bandī, s.f. Accounts of the revenues, rental, rent-roll; proceeds of land; the government revenue; settlement of the revenue, assessment of the land revenue, assessment:—jam`-bandīkarnā(-kī), To assess the revenue (of):—jam` bharnā, v.n. To pay the rent or jam`:—jam`-jhartī, s.f. (local), Statement of receipts and expenditure; periodical account of either cash or grain:—jam`-ḵẖarć, jam`-o-ḵẖarć, s.m. Receipts and disbursements; debit and credit; revenue receipts and balances; account of receipt and disbursement; account of collections and charges; cash account; account current:—jam`-ḵẖarćkarnāor likhnā, v.n. To draw out an account; to book:—jam`-ḵẖarćmilānā, v.n. To make up or balance an account:—jam`-ḵẖarć-navīs, s.m. A book-keeper, an accountant:—jam`-dār, s.m. The head of any body of men (as guides, harkāras, etc.); a native officer of the army so called; an officerof police, customs, or excise (second to the Dārogā):—jam`-dārī, s.f. The office or business of a jam`-dār:—jam`-ṣadar, s.m. The revenue assessment settled directly with the government by the proprietors or contractors (opp. to jam` mufaṣṣal):—jam` karnā, v.t. To collect, accumulate, amass, gather together, assemble, heap; to store up, lay by; to add together, add up, sum up; to call in, raise, levy; to deposit; to credit; carry to credit or account:—jam`-karne-wālā, s.m. One who collects, etc.; one who deposits, a depositor:—jam`-kul, adv. Altogether, in toto:—jam`-koṭhī, Bank stock; theassets of a firm:—jam`-maḥālmīr-baḥr, s.m. Port duties;an account of the same:—jam`-murakkab, s.f. Compound addition:—jam`-wāṣil-bāqī, s.m. Payments and arrears; demands, collections, and balances; revenue receipts and balances; an account stating payments periodically due, etc.:—jam`-wālā, s.m. A capitalist:—jam`-o-ḵẖorć, s.m.=jam`-ḵẖarć, q.v.:—jam` honā, v.n. To be collected; to assemble, gather, flock; to be composed or at ease (in respect of, -se):—jam` hone-kījagah, s.f. Place of resort or assembly, rendez-vous; centre, nucleus:—aṣl jam`, s.f. The net demand:—āsāmī-wār jam`-bandī, s.f. An account of revenue assessments settled with each individual cultivator.
Origin: Arabic