जमाना jamānā[jamā˚= Prk. जम्माव(इ) or जम्मावे(इ)=S. जन्म+आिप caus. augment.], v.t. (caus. of jamnā), To cause a cohesion (between two or more things), to cause to cohere; to cause to adhere or unite; to collect, to accumulate, amass, store up; to sum up; to cause (water) to congeal, to congeal, to form or make (ice,—e.g. barf jamānā); to consolidate; to cause tocoagulate, to form (coagulated milk, or curds,—e.g. dahījamānā);—to cause to take root, to plant (a tree, shoot, etc.); to implant; to cause (one's words) to impress (a person), to bring (one's words) home (to another,—e g. bāt jamānā: jamānābeing here syn. with ẕihn-nishīn karnā); to fix, to lay down; to lay off (a measurement from a scale);—to pace in the manege:—jamā-denā, jamā-lenā, v.t. intens. of and=jamānā.
Origin: Hindi