◀Previous 200 Entries19667. جگیسر 19668. جگیشا 19669. جگیشور 19670. جگیہ 19671. جگیہ 19672. جل19673. جل 19674. جل 19675. جل 19676. جلا 19677. جلا 19678. جلا 19679. جلا 19680. جلاءنی 19681. جلاءی 19682. جلاب 19683. جلاپا 19684. جلاد 19685. جلادت 19686. جلاسا 19687. جلالت 19688. جلالی 19689. جلالیہ 19690. جلانا 19691. جلانا 19692. جلاہ 19693. جلاها 19694. جلاو 19695. جلاوتی 19696. جلاوطن 19697. جلاون 19698. جلایا 19699. جل بل 19700. جل بلكے 19701. جلپ 19702. جلپاءی 19703. جلپاك 19704. جلپتا 19705. جلپك 19706. جلپی 19707. جلجلا 19708. جلجلاٹ 19709. جلجلانا 19710. جلجلاهٹ 19711. جلد 19712. جلد 19713. جلدي 19714. جلدي 19715. جلس 19716. جلسا 19717. جلسا 19718. جلسہ 19719. جلسوت 19720. جلف 19721. جلك 19722. جلك 19723. جلكا 19724. جلم 19725. جلمت 19726. جلن 19727. جلنا 19728. جلنا 19729. جلنار 19730. جلندر 19731. جلندهر 19732. جلندهري 19733. جلہ 19734. جلہري 19735. جلو 19736. جلو 19737. جلوا 19738. جلوانا 19739. جلوت 19740. جلوتسرگ 19741. جلودر 19742. جلوس 19743. جلوسی 19744. جلوكڑا 19745. جلوہ 19746. جلویا 19747. جلی 19748. جلیا 19749. جلیا 19750. جلیب 19751. جلیبی 19752. جلیبی 19753. جلیري 19754. جلیس 19755. جلیل 19756. جلیو 19757. جم 19758. جم 19759. جم 19760. جم 19761. جماءی 19762. جماد 19763. جمادات 19764. جمادي 19765. جماع 19766. جماعت 19767. جمال 19768. جمال گوٹا 19769. جمالی 19770. جمانا 19771. جمانا 19772. جماهنا 19773. جماهی 19774. جماهیر 19775. جماو 19776. جماو 19777. جماوٹ 19778. جماوڑا 19779. جمبال 19780. جمبالا 19781. جمبك 19782. جمبھیر 19783. جمبھیري 19784. جمبو 19785. جمبو 19786. جمبو 19787. جمبول 19788. جمبیا 19789. جمبیر 19790. جمپتی 19791. جم جم 19792. جمد 19793. جمدگنی 19794. جمدهر 19795. جمراج 19796. جمرول 19797. جمڑا 19798. جمڑي 19799. جمشید 19800. جمع 19801. جمعات 19802. جمعدار 19803. جمعرات 19804. جمعگی 19805. جمعہ 19806. جمعیت 19807. جمك 19808. جمك 19809. جمكانا 19810. جمكنا 19811. جمكوڑا 19812. جمگھٹ 19813. جمگھٹا 19814. جمل 19815. جمل 19816. جمل 19817. جمل 19818. جملگی 19819. جملہ 19820. جمن 19821. جمنا 19822. جمنا 19823. جمنكا 19824. جمنوٹا 19825. جمنوٹیا 19826. جمہاءی 19827. جمہانا 19828. جمہور 19829. جموا 19830. جموا 19831. جموٹ 19832. جموگ 19833. جموگا 19834. جموگنا 19835. جمی 19836. جمی 19837. جمیا 19838. جمیا 19839. جمیرات 19840. جمیع 19841. جمیعًا 19842. جمیعت 19843. جمیل 19844. جمیلہ 19845. جن 19846. جن 19847. جن 19848. جن 19849. جن 19850. جن 19851. جنا 19852. جنا 19853. جنا 19854. جنا 19855. جناءی 19856. جناب 19857. جنابت 19858. جناپت 19859. جناپك 19860. جناپن 19861. جنات 19862. جنات 19863. جنات 19864. جناتا 19865. جناتري 19866. جناتویہ


जल jala, vulg. jal, s.m. Water;—frigidity (physical or moral=jaṛ);—a kind of fragrant medicinal plant;—adj. Cold; apathetic; stupid, idiotic (=jaṛ);—in the ingenious system of reckoning by symbols adopted by Hindūs in their poetry, this word is a symbol for four:—jal-ali, s.m. A water-bee; a whirlpool:—jalāćaman (jala+āć˚), s.m. Rinsing the mouth with water:—jal-adhār, s.m. A pond, lake, reservoir, any receptacle of water:—jalārdrā (jala+ar˚), adj. Wet, charged with moisture:—jalārṇav (jala+ar˚), s.m. The sea of fresh water; the rainy season; great flood, deluge, inundation:—jalāśay, vulg. jalāsā (jala+āśaya), s.m. A pond, tank, lake, reservoir, any piece of water; a kind of fragrant grass, Andropogon muricatus;—adj. Cold, apathetic; dull, stupid:—jalākār (jala+ak˚), s.m. Appearance of water; source of water, spring, fountain:—jalākhu (jala+ākhu), s.m. 'Water-mole,' an otter:—jalālukā, jalālokā (jala+āl˚), s.f. 'Living in water'; a leech:—jalāmay (jala+maya), adj. Consisting of water; abounding in water, full of water; watery, wet:—jalāmbikā, (jala+am˚), s.f. A well:—jalāṅ-ćal (jala+an˚), s.m. A spring, well; a natural water-course;—the plant Blyxa octandra:—jal-āhar, s.m. The Persian wheel (for raising water):—jal-budbud, s.m. A bubble of water;—jal-brahmī, s.f. A kind of potherb, Hingcha repens:—jal-bilā`o, s.m. An otter:—jal-bandhak, s.m. 'Water-barrier'; a dam, dike, rocks or stones impeding a current:—jal-bandhu, s.m. 'Friend of water'; a fish:—jal-bhū, s.m. lit. 'Produced in or by water'; a cloud; a kind of aquatic plant, Commelina salicifolia or Bengalensis:—jal-bhauṅrā, s.m. A water-bee:—jal-bahī, s.m. Swimming, striking with the arms and legs in water:—jal-pūn, s.m. 'Drinking water'; any slight repast, refreshment, luncheon;—jal-pān karnā, To take some refreshment, to drink:—jal-pippalī, s.f. An aquatic plant, Commelina salicifolia, and another species:—jal-pati, s.m. 'Lord of the waters,' Varuṇa or the HindūNeptune; the ocean:—jal-paććhī, s.m.f.=jalpakshī, q.v.:—jal-prāya, adj. & s.m. Abounding with water;—a country or place abounding with water:—jal-prishṭhaja, s.m., jal-pṛishṭhajā, s.f. The plant Blyxa octandra, or Pistia stratiotes:—jal-pralay, s.m. Destruction by water; the destruction of the world by water:—jal-priya, adj. & s.m. Fond of water; frequenting water;—the bird ćātak, Cuculus melanoleucus; a fish:—jal-pakshī, vulg. jalpakhī, s.m.f. Water-bird, water-fowl:—jalpanćhī, s.m.f.=jal-pakshī:—jal-pīpal, s.f.=jalpippalī, q.v.:—jal-tāpik,jal-tāl, s.m. The hilsā or sable fish, Clupanodon ilisha:—jal-taranjī, s.f. jal-tarang, s.m., jal-tarangī, s.f. A metal cup filled with water, the edges of which when beaten with two sticks produce harmonical notes; the musical glasses or harmonicon; playing on glasses or China bowls by rubbing the edges:—jal-torī, s.f. A fish:—jal-thal, jal-ṭhal, s.m. Ground half-covered with water, marshy ground; a sheet of water; any place where water settles or abounds:—jalaja, jalaj, adj. & s.m. (f. -ā), Produced or born in water; growing or living in water;—an aquatic animal; a fish; a shell; a lotus:—jalajā, s.f. A species of plant (Bassia) growing in or near water:—jal-jāt, m., jal-jātā, f.=jalaja, q.v.:—jal-jātrā, s.f. A journey by water, a voyage:—jal-jān, s.m.=jal-yān, q.v.:—jal-jal, adj. Full of water; watery, wet:—jal-jantr, s.m.=jal-yantra, q.v.:—jal-jantu, s.m. A fish; any marine or aquatic or amphibious animal:—jal-jantukā, s.f. A leech:—jal-jognī, s.f. A leech; a kite:—jal-ćārī, jal-ćar, adj. & s.m. Going in water; living in or near water; aquatic; amphibious; an aquatic animal:—jal-ćhatr, s.m. A stand or place where water is supplied to travellers:—jal-ćhīṭhā, s.m. Sprinkling or splashing with water, a splash:—jal-da, s.m. lit. 'Giving or pouring forth water'; a cloud; a fragrant grass,Cyperus rotundus; name of a varsh or division of the known continent:—jal-dāśan, s.m. The tree Shorea robusta (syn. sāl):—jaldān, s.m. Giving or supplying with water:—jaldhārā, s.f. A stream or current of water:—jaldhar, adj. & s.m. Holding or carrying or having water;—a cloud; the ocean; a kind of fragrant grass,Cyperus rotundus:—jala-dhi, s.m. The ocean:—jal-ḍimb, s.m. A bivalve shell:—jalrāśi, jal-rāsī, s.m. A quantity of water, a sheet of water; the ocean:—jal-ranj, jal-rank, s.m. A species of vak or crane, Ardea nivea:—jalranku, s.m. A kind of gallinule:—jal-ruh, s.m. lit. 'Growing in water'; the lotus:—jal-sā`ī, adj.=jal-śāyī, q.v.:—jal-sparś, s.m. Touching water (esp. Ganges water) for religious purposes:—jal-saṅskār, s.m. Ceremonial purification by means of the external application of water:—jal-sūt (S. jala+sūtra), s.m. The guinea worm, Filaria medinensis (syn. nahāru`ā):—jal-sūći, s.f. The Gangetic porpoise,Delphinus gangeticus; a fish, a small sort of pike, Esox cancila; a leech; an aquatic plant, Trapa bispinosa:—jal-sūkhā, s.m. Drought; dearth:—jal-senī (S.jala+śayinī), s.f. A fish; sleeping in water by way of mortification; drowning by sleeping in water as an act of penance:—jal-śā`ī, jal-śāyī, jal-śay, jal-śayan, adj. 'Sleeping on the water, an epithet of Vishnu (who is supposed to sleep, reposing on his serpent-couch above the waters, during the four months of the periodical rains, and also during the intervals of the submersion of the world):—jal-kāk, jal-kāg, s.m. 'Watercrow'; the diver; the cormorant, Corvus marinus:—jal-kānksh, s.m. lit. 'Desirous of water'; an elephant:—jal-kapi, s.m. 'Water-ape'; the Gangetic porpoise:—jal-kar, s.m. Rent or tax derived from water for fisheries, etc.; revenue assessed on fisheries, etc.:—jal-kirāṭ, s.m. A shark; a large alligator:—jal-krīṛā, s.f. Sporting or gamboling in water; bathing for pleasure or amusement:—jal-kashṭ, adj. & s.m. Dry, parched;—scarcity of water, drought:—jal-kukkuṭ, jal-kukaṛ, jal-kukkaṛ, s.m. (f. -ī), The common water-hen, Gallinula chloropus; the diver; the coot:—jal-kukkuṭi, s.f. The blackheaded gull:—jal-kaṇā, s.f. A drop of water:—jal-kuntal, s.m. lit. 'Water-hair'; the aquatic plantBlyxa octandra:—jal-kanṭak, s.m. 'Waterthorn'; a crocodile; the plant Trapa bispinosa:—jal-kuṇḍ, s.m. A spring; a pool of water that never dries up:—jal-kūpī, s.f. A spring, well; pond, pool; a whirlpool:—jal-kūrm, s.m. The Gangetic porpoise:—jal-kawwā, s.m. 'The water-crow'; the water ouzel:—jal-khāyā, adj. 'Destroyed by water'; dried up, parched (soil, etc.):—jal-keś, s.m. lit. 'Water-hair'; the plant Blyxa octandra:—jal-keli, s.f.=jalkrīṛā:—jal-gulma, s.m. A turtle, tortoise; a quadrangular tank, a piece of water; a whirlpool:—jal-ghumar, s.m. A whirlpool:—jal-latā, s.f. 'Water-creeper'; a wave, billow:—jāl-mārjār, s.m. 'Water-cat'; an otter:—jalmārg, s.m. Watercourse, a drain or canal leading from a pool, etc.:—jal-mānus, s.m. A merman, the water-kelpie; a small species of monkey:—jal-murg̠ā, s.m. A water-fowl:—jalmakshikā, s.f. Water-fly, water-insect:—jalmal, s.m. Foam, etc.:—jal-mandir, jal-mandar, s.m. A house or fabric erected in the midst of water (commonly used as a summer-house); subterranean apartments constructed in the bank of a river to serve as a retreat in the hot season; a summer-house:—jal-manḍal, s.m. A kind of tarantula or large spider (the bite of which is said to be fatal):—jal-mūrti, s.m. An epithet of the god Śiva (of whom one form is water, implying his presence in all matter):—jal-may, adj. Abounding in water; consisting of water; watery; deluged;—s.m. Deluge; inundation:—jal-nidhi, s.m. 'Treasure of water'; the ocean, sea:—jal-nirgam, s.m. A drain, watercourse; a pipe along a wall or building for carrying off water; a water-fall, the descent of a spring, etc. into a river below:—jal-nakul, s.m. An otter:—jal-nīlī, s.f. The aquatic plant Blyxa octandra:—jal-nīm, s.m. A species of bitter herb,Herpestes monniera, which grows on the banks of ponds, etc., and is used as a drug:—jalotsarg (jala+ut˚), s.m. The ceremony connected with the marrying of a pond, well, etc.:—jaloććhwās (jala+uć˚), s.m. A drain or channel made for carrying off an excess of water, a similar channel made naturally by the overflow of a river, etc.; a conduit:—jalodar (jala+ud˚), s.m. 'Water-belly.'; dropsy (pop. jalandhar); a dropsical person:—jalodgam (jala+ud˚), s.m. The course of the water:—jal-vidyā, s.f. The science of Hydrostatics:—jal-viḍāl, s.m. An otter (=jalbilā`o):—jal-vr̤iśćik, s.m. 'Water-scorpion'; a prawn, a shrimp:—jaloragī(jala+ur˚), s.f. 'Water-snake'; a leech:—jalormī (jala+ūr˚), s.f. A wave;—adj. Wavy:—jal-vishuv, s.m. The autumnal equinox, the moment of the sun's entering Libra:—jalaukā, jalaukas (jala+ok˚), s.f. 'Living in water'; a leech:—jal-vindu, s.m. A drop of water; name of a place of Hindūpilgrimage:—jal-vihār, s.m. Sporting or gamboling in water:—jal-vihang, jal-vihangam, s.m. A water-fowl:—jal-vyadh, s.m. A kind of pike-fish, Esox cancila:—jala-ha, jalah, s.m. A summer-house; a small piece of water, a pond, lake:—jal-hās, s.m. Cuttle-fish bone (considered as the indurated foam of the sea):—jal-yātrā, s.f. A voyage (=jal-jātrā, q.v.):—jalyān, s.m. 'Water-vehicle'; a ship, a boat:—jale-ćar, adj. & s.m.=jal-ćārī, jal-ćar, q.v.:—jaleććhayā (jala+ić˚), s.f. The plant Heliotropium indicum:—jaleśvar (jala+iś˚), s.m. 'Lord of waters'; the sea, the ocean; the deity of the waters, Varuṇa;—jal-yantra, s.m. A water-engine, a machine for raising water, any contrivance connected with that element, water-works; a water-clock, clepsydra:—jal-yantra-gr̤ih, s.m.=jal-mandir, q.v.:—jalendhan (jalā+in˚), s.m. Submarine fire.
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