जल jala, vulg. jal, s.m. Water;—frigidity (physical or moral=jaṛ);—a kind of fragrant medicinal plant;—adj. Cold; apathetic; stupid, idiotic (=jaṛ);—in the ingenious system of reckoning by symbols adopted by Hindūs in their poetry, this word is a symbol for four:—jal-ali, s.m. A water-bee; a whirlpool:—jalāćaman (jala+āć˚), s.m. Rinsing the mouth with water:—jal-adhār, s.m. A pond, lake, reservoir, any receptacle of water:—jalārdrā (jala+ar˚), adj. Wet, charged with moisture:—jalārṇav (jala+ar˚), s.m. The sea of fresh water; the rainy season; great flood, deluge, inundation:—jalāśay, vulg. jalāsā (jala+āśaya), s.m. A pond, tank, lake, reservoir, any piece of water; a kind of fragrant grass, Andropogon muricatus;—adj. Cold, apathetic; dull, stupid:—jalākār (jala+ak˚), s.m. Appearance of water; source of water, spring, fountain:—jalākhu (jala+ākhu), s.m. 'Water-mole,' an otter:—jalālukā, jalālokā (jala+āl˚), s.f. 'Living in water'; a leech:—jalāmay (jala+maya), adj. Consisting of water; abounding in water, full of water; watery, wet:—jalāmbikā, (jala+am˚), s.f. A well:—jalāṅ-ćal (jala+an˚), s.m. A spring, well; a natural water-course;—the plant Blyxa octandra:—jal-āhar, s.m. The Persian wheel (for raising water):—jal-budbud, s.m. A bubble of water;—jal-brahmī, s.f. A kind of potherb, Hingcha repens:—jal-bilā`o, s.m. An otter:—jal-bandhak, s.m. 'Water-barrier'; a dam, dike, rocks or stones impeding a current:—jal-bandhu, s.m. 'Friend of water'; a fish:—jal-bhū, s.m. lit. 'Produced in or by water'; a cloud; a kind of aquatic plant, Commelina salicifolia or Bengalensis:—jal-bhauṅrā, s.m. A water-bee:—jal-bahī, s.m. Swimming, striking with the arms and legs in water:—jal-pūn, s.m. 'Drinking water'; any slight repast, refreshment, luncheon;—jal-pān karnā, To take some refreshment, to drink:—jal-pippalī, s.f. An aquatic plant, Commelina salicifolia, and another species:—jal-pati, s.m. 'Lord of the waters,' Varuṇa or the HindūNeptune; the ocean:—jal-paććhī, s.m.f.=jalpakshī, q.v.:—jal-prāya, adj. & s.m. Abounding with water;—a country or place abounding with water:—jal-prishṭhaja, s.m., jal-pṛishṭhajā, s.f. The plant Blyxa octandra, or Pistia stratiotes:—jal-pralay, s.m. Destruction by water; the destruction of the world by water:—jal-priya, adj. & s.m. Fond of water; frequenting water;—the bird ćātak, Cuculus melanoleucus; a fish:—jal-pakshī, vulg. jalpakhī, s.m.f. Water-bird, water-fowl:—jalpanćhī, s.m.f.=jal-pakshī:—jal-pīpal, s.f.=jalpippalī, q.v.:—jal-tāpik,jal-tāl, s.m. The hilsā or sable fish, Clupanodon ilisha:—jal-taranjī, s.f. jal-tarang, s.m., jal-tarangī, s.f. A metal cup filled with water, the edges of which when beaten with two sticks produce harmonical notes; the musical glasses or harmonicon; playing on glasses or China bowls by rubbing the edges:—jal-torī, s.f. A fish:—jal-thal, jal-ṭhal, s.m. Ground half-covered with water, marshy ground; a sheet of water; any place where water settles or abounds:—jalaja, jalaj, adj. & s.m. (f. -ā), Produced or born in water; growing or living in water;—an aquatic animal; a fish; a shell; a lotus:—jalajā, s.f. A species of plant (Bassia) growing in or near water:—jal-jāt, m., jal-jātā, f.=jalaja, q.v.:—jal-jātrā, s.f. A journey by water, a voyage:—jal-jān, s.m.=jal-yān, q.v.:—jal-jal, adj. Full of water; watery, wet:—jal-jantr, s.m.=jal-yantra, q.v.:—jal-jantu, s.m. A fish; any marine or aquatic or amphibious animal:—jal-jantukā, s.f. A leech:—jal-jognī, s.f. A leech; a kite:—jal-ćārī, jal-ćar, adj. & s.m. Going in water; living in or near water; aquatic; amphibious; an aquatic animal:—jal-ćhatr, s.m. A stand or place where water is supplied to travellers:—jal-ćhīṭhā, s.m. Sprinkling or splashing with water, a splash:—jal-da, s.m. lit. 'Giving or pouring forth water'; a cloud; a fragrant grass,Cyperus rotundus; name of a varsh or division of the known continent:—jal-dāśan, s.m. The tree Shorea robusta (syn. sāl):—jaldān, s.m. Giving or supplying with water:—jaldhārā, s.f. A stream or current of water:—jaldhar, adj. & s.m. Holding or carrying or having water;—a cloud; the ocean; a kind of fragrant grass,Cyperus rotundus:—jala-dhi, s.m. The ocean:—jal-ḍimb, s.m. A bivalve shell:—jalrāśi, jal-rāsī, s.m. A quantity of water, a sheet of water; the ocean:—jal-ranj, jal-rank, s.m. A species of vak or crane, Ardea nivea:—jalranku, s.m. A kind of gallinule:—jal-ruh, s.m. lit. 'Growing in water'; the lotus:—jal-sā`ī, adj.=jal-śāyī, q.v.:—jal-sparś, s.m. Touching water (esp. Ganges water) for religious purposes:—jal-saṅskār, s.m. Ceremonial purification by means of the external application of water:—jal-sūt (S. jala+sūtra), s.m. The guinea worm, Filaria medinensis (syn. nahāru`ā):—jal-sūći, s.f. The Gangetic porpoise,Delphinus gangeticus; a fish, a small sort of pike, Esox cancila; a leech; an aquatic plant, Trapa bispinosa:—jal-sūkhā, s.m. Drought; dearth:—jal-senī (S.jala+śayinī), s.f. A fish; sleeping in water by way of mortification; drowning by sleeping in water as an act of penance:—jal-śā`ī, jal-śāyī, jal-śay, jal-śayan, adj. 'Sleeping on the water, an epithet of Vishnu (who is supposed to sleep, reposing on his serpent-couch above the waters, during the four months of the periodical rains, and also during the intervals of the submersion of the world):—jal-kāk, jal-kāg, s.m. 'Watercrow'; the diver; the cormorant, Corvus marinus:—jal-kānksh, s.m. lit. 'Desirous of water'; an elephant:—jal-kapi, s.m. 'Water-ape'; the Gangetic porpoise:—jal-kar, s.m. Rent or tax derived from water for fisheries, etc.; revenue assessed on fisheries, etc.:—jal-kirāṭ, s.m. A shark; a large alligator:—jal-krīṛā, s.f. Sporting or gamboling in water; bathing for pleasure or amusement:—jal-kashṭ, adj. & s.m. Dry, parched;—scarcity of water, drought:—jal-kukkuṭ, jal-kukaṛ, jal-kukkaṛ, s.m. (f. -ī), The common water-hen, Gallinula chloropus; the diver; the coot:—jal-kukkuṭi, s.f. The blackheaded gull:—jal-kaṇā, s.f. A drop of water:—jal-kuntal, s.m. lit. 'Water-hair'; the aquatic plantBlyxa octandra:—jal-kanṭak, s.m. 'Waterthorn'; a crocodile; the plant Trapa bispinosa:—jal-kuṇḍ, s.m. A spring; a pool of water that never dries up:—jal-kūpī, s.f. A spring, well; pond, pool; a whirlpool:—jal-kūrm, s.m. The Gangetic porpoise:—jal-kawwā, s.m. 'The water-crow'; the water ouzel:—jal-khāyā, adj. 'Destroyed by water'; dried up, parched (soil, etc.):—jal-keś, s.m. lit. 'Water-hair'; the plant Blyxa octandra:—jal-keli, s.f.=jalkrīṛā:—jal-gulma, s.m. A turtle, tortoise; a quadrangular tank, a piece of water; a whirlpool:—jal-ghumar, s.m. A whirlpool:—jal-latā, s.f. 'Water-creeper'; a wave, billow:—jāl-mārjār, s.m. 'Water-cat'; an otter:—jalmārg, s.m. Watercourse, a drain or canal leading from a pool, etc.:—jal-mānus, s.m. A merman, the water-kelpie; a small species of monkey:—jal-murg̠ā, s.m. A water-fowl:—jalmakshikā, s.f. Water-fly, water-insect:—jalmal, s.m. Foam, etc.:—jal-mandir, jal-mandar, s.m. A house or fabric erected in the midst of water (commonly used as a summer-house); subterranean apartments constructed in the bank of a river to serve as a retreat in the hot season; a summer-house:—jal-manḍal, s.m. A kind of tarantula or large spider (the bite of which is said to be fatal):—jal-mūrti, s.m. An epithet of the god Śiva (of whom one form is water, implying his presence in all matter):—jal-may, adj. Abounding in water; consisting of water; watery; deluged;—s.m. Deluge; inundation:—jal-nidhi, s.m. 'Treasure of water'; the ocean, sea:—jal-nirgam, s.m. A drain, watercourse; a pipe along a wall or building for carrying off water; a water-fall, the descent of a spring, etc. into a river below:—jal-nakul, s.m. An otter:—jal-nīlī, s.f. The aquatic plant Blyxa octandra:—jal-nīm, s.m. A species of bitter herb,Herpestes monniera, which grows on the banks of ponds, etc., and is used as a drug:—jalotsarg (jala+ut˚), s.m. The ceremony connected with the marrying of a pond, well, etc.:—jaloććhwās (jala+uć˚), s.m. A drain or channel made for carrying off an excess of water, a similar channel made naturally by the overflow of a river, etc.; a conduit:—jalodar (jala+ud˚), s.m. 'Water-belly.'; dropsy (pop. jalandhar); a dropsical person:—jalodgam (jala+ud˚), s.m. The course of the water:—jal-vidyā, s.f. The science of Hydrostatics:—jal-viḍāl, s.m. An otter (=jalbilā`o):—jal-vr̤iśćik, s.m. 'Water-scorpion'; a prawn, a shrimp:—jaloragī(jala+ur˚), s.f. 'Water-snake'; a leech:—jalormī (jala+ūr˚), s.f. A wave;—adj. Wavy:—jal-vishuv, s.m. The autumnal equinox, the moment of the sun's entering Libra:—jalaukā, jalaukas (jala+ok˚), s.f. 'Living in water'; a leech:—jal-vindu, s.m. A drop of water; name of a place of Hindūpilgrimage:—jal-vihār, s.m. Sporting or gamboling in water:—jal-vihang, jal-vihangam, s.m. A water-fowl:—jal-vyadh, s.m. A kind of pike-fish, Esox cancila:—jala-ha, jalah, s.m. A summer-house; a small piece of water, a pond, lake:—jal-hās, s.m. Cuttle-fish bone (considered as the indurated foam of the sea):—jal-yātrā, s.f. A voyage (=jal-jātrā, q.v.):—jalyān, s.m. 'Water-vehicle'; a ship, a boat:—jale-ćar, adj. & s.m.=jal-ćārī, jal-ćar, q.v.:—jaleććhayā (jala+ić˚), s.f. The plant Heliotropium indicum:—jaleśvar (jala+iś˚), s.m. 'Lord of waters'; the sea, the ocean; the deity of the waters, Varuṇa;—jal-yantra, s.m. A water-engine, a machine for raising water, any contrivance connected with that element, water-works; a water-clock, clepsydra:—jal-yantra-gr̤ih, s.m.=jal-mandir, q.v.:—jalendhan (jalā+in˚), s.m. Submarine fire.