jabr (inf. n. of جبر 'to set (a bone)'; 'to restore to a sound state'; 'to compel or constrain'], s.m. Compulsion, constraint, coercion; force, power, strength; violence, outrage, oppression;—the reduction of fractions to integrals; the addition of something for the purpose of reparation, throwing in something by way of compensation:—jabr uṭhānā, v.n. To endure oppression, etc.; to suffer; to take trouble or pains:—jabr-se, adv. By force, forcibly, etc. (=ba-jabr; jabraṉ):—jabr karnā(-par), To use or employ force, etc. (on), to compel, constrain, coerce; to press, bear forcibly (on):—jabr-ě-nuqṣān, s.m. Reparation or compensation for loss or injury; making up for a deficiency (in quality, etc.):—jabr-omuqābala, s.m. Algebra (syn. bīj-gaṇit).
Origin: Arabic