जब jab [Prk. जेम्विहं or जेम्वइं loc. sing. of जेम्व=S. यावत् ], adv. & conj. (correl. to tab), When, at the time when; as soon as; in case; since (temporal and causal):—jab-tab, adv. Now and then, occasionally:—jab-tak, jabtalak; (dialec.) jab-ta`īṅ, jab-toṛī, adv. Till when; till such time as, until; whilst, while; as long as, so long as; by that (or which) time:—jab-jab, adv. Whensoever, at whatever time:—jab-se, adv. Since that time, since:—jab-kā, adj. (f. -ī), Of that time; past, previous, last:—jabkā-tab, jab-kā-jab, adv. At the time when; at the proper moment:—jab-kabhū, jab-kabhī, adv. When at any time, whenever:—jab-ki, adv. & conj. At the time when, when; while; since (temp. & caus.):—jab-lag, jab-loṅ, adv. (dialec.)=jab-tak, q.v.:—jab-na-tab, adv. Now and then, at times; perpetually, always; never, not at all:—jab-hī, adv. At the very time or moment, whenever, as soon as;—jab-hī, jab-hī-to, conj. Hence (it is, or was), on that account, therefore.
Origin: Hindi