jā`edād (jā, q.v.+dād, 'giving'), s.f. Place, station; appointment, employment, service; consignment; an assignment on land (for the maintenance of troops, or of an establishment, or of a person); estate, property, effects, assets, funds, resources; the means or capabilities of a district in respect of revenue:—jā`edād-ě-arāẓī, s.f. Landed property:—jā`edādě-istimrārī, s.f. An assignment of revenue in perpetuity (with a reservation of a certain amount of rent and of other Government claims):—jā`edāu-ě-zaujīyat, s.f. Wife's property:—jā`edād-ě-sakanī, s.f. Habitable property, houses:—jā`edād-ě-g̠air-manqūla, Immovable property, landed property, realty:—jā`edād-ě-muta`alliqa-ě-ḵẖāndān, Family property; heir-loom:—jā`edād-ě-manqūla, Movable or personal property, personalty, personal effects, goods, chattels:—jā`edād-ě-mūṣā-bihi, Property which is the subject of a will.
Origin: Persian