tīr[Old P. tigra; Zend tighri, rt. tij= S. ितज् ; S. तीर, prob. fr. P.], s.m. An arrow;—a beam, a mast;—the planet Mercury (=tīr-ě-falak):—tīr-andāz, s.m. An archer, a bowman:—tīr-andāzī, s.f. Archery:—tīr-bārān, s.m. A shower of arrows; a punishment in which the culprit is shot with arrows:—tīr-bahadaf, adj.lit. 'An arrow to the mark'; hitting the mark; to the point:—tīr-bhāl, adj. (Bot.), Sagittate:—tīr-partāb, s.m. The range of an arrow, bow-shot distance:—tīr-pheṅknā, tīr ćalānā, tīr ćhoṛnā, v.n. To shoot an arrow; (iron.) to do something wonderful, to do great things:—tīr-ě-ḵẖākī, tīr-ḵẖākī, s.f. A light, small-headed arrow:—tīr-ḵẖẉurda, adj. & s.m. Struck or wounded by an arrow;—one so struck, etc.:—tīr-ras, s.m. The range of an arrow, bowshot distance:—tīr-zan, s.m. An archer:—tīr-sā, adj. & adv. Dart-like; as by an arrow:—tīr-ě-falak, s.m. The planet Mercury:—tīr-kārī, s.f. The piercing of the body by an arrow:—tīr-kā-fāṣila, s.m. The range of an arrow, etc. (=tīr-ras, q.v.):—tīr karnāor kardenā, v.t. To put out of sight; to hide; to make away with:—tīr-kash, s.m. A quiver; an embrasure; an aperture, a loop-hole:—tīr-kīmār, s.f.=tīr-kāfāṣila, q.v.:—tīr-gar, s.m. A maker of arrows:—tīr-garī, s.f. Arrowmaking:—tīr lagnā(-meṅ, -ko), To be struck or hit by an arrow (a mark or other object):—tīrmār, s.m. A viper; a viper's teeth:—tīr mārnā(-ko), To strike (an object) with an arrow; to shoot an arrow (at an object), etc.=tīr ćalānā, q.v.:—tīr-ě-nāwak, s.m. An arrow discharged through a tube:—tīr nikālnānathnoṅ-meṅ-se (-ke), To torture, torment, harass, persecute:—tīroṅ-se uṛānā, v.t. To do to death with arrows:—thothe tīroṅ-se uṛanā, v.t. To put to a lingering death, to kill by degrees, to torture.
Origin: Persian