थोड़ा thoṛā[Prk. थोअडओ; S. ःतोक+र+कः], adj. (f. -ī) & adv. Little, small; some, few; scanty, meagre, less, insufficient, short (of); narrow, limited; slight, trifling; scarce, rare, uncommon;—a little, slightly, somewhat; seldom, rarely; scarcely, little indeed, in any way; in no wise; not a jot or tittle (see thoṛā-hī):—thoṛā-bahut, adj. & adv. Some little, more or less; about:—thoṛā-thoṛā, adj. Very little;—thoṛā-thoṛākarke, adv. Little by little, by degrees; a little at a time:—thoṛā-thoṛāhonā, v.n. To feel oneself very little, to be ashamed, to shrink with shame:—thoṛā-sā, adj. (f. thoṛī-sī) & adv. A little, a verylittle;—pl. thoṛe-se, A very few:—thoṛākarnā, v.t. To lessen, diminish, decrease, reduce, mitigate:—thoṛā-hī, thoṛī`ī, vulg. thoṛa`ī, adv. Little indeed; in no part or degree, not at all, in no wise, never:—thoṛe-dinoṇ-se, adv Since the last few days, of late, recently, for a short time:—thoṛe-se thoṛā, adj. & adv. Very little; at least.
Origin: Hindi