थोक thok [S. ःतवकः or ःतोम+कः], s.m. Multitude, mass, quantity; clump, heap; body, band, company, party, community; amount, total sum; ready money; share, portion, allotment, lot; holding, tenure, local division (of an estate); a subdivision in coparcenary (bha`iyā ćārī) estate; a spot where three or more boundary lines meet, junction of boundaries:—thok bāṅdāṅā(-kā), To form into parties or companies, etc.; to form into lots; to fix the limits of estates (by a native survey):—thokbast, s.f. Fixing the limits of estates (by a native survey, or preparatory to a regular scientific survey), laying down and marking off boundaries (of an estate, etc.):—thok-dār, s.m. The head of a company, or community; the holder of a thok; the holder of a principa share (in a village, who is responsible for the payment of the revenue);—a wholesale dealer; a copyholder.
Origin: Hindi