तोड़ना toṛnā[caus. of ṭūṭnā;—toṛ˚= Prk. तोड(इ) or तोडे(इ)=S. ऽोटय(ित), caus. of rt. ऽुट्y], v.t. To break, tear, rend, burst, split, crack; to interrupt, cut off, stop, discontinue, abolish, to exhaust; to sever, sunder (a tie, or friendship, etc.); to destroy, demolish; to ruin (a person); to violate (a vow), infringe (a canon); to break into (a house), force or break open (a lock); to break up (ground), to plough; to pluck or gather (fruit, etc.); to stretch, strain, exercise (the body, as by gymnastics); to take, capture, conquer (a stronghold); to demolish (an argument), to refute, confute; to change (money); to reduce (in Arith.):—toṛnā-joṛnā, v.t. 'To break and join';to take to pieces and reconstruct; to make and mar:—toṛ-denā, v.t. intens. of &=toṛnā:—toṛ-ḍālnā(intens. of toṛnā), v.t. To break to pieces, to break and destroy, to pull down, to demolish, etc.:—toṛ-lenā, v.t. To gather or pluck (fruit, etc.); to draw off or away, to sunder, to bring over, gain or win over:—toṛnā-maṛoṛnā, v.t. To wrench and twist; to pinch and squeeze:—dam toṛnā, To be at the point of death:—roṭītoṛnā, To eat the bread of idleness.
Origin: Hindi