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तोड़ toṛ[Prk. तोड़ो, S. ऽोटः; see toṛnā], s.m. Breaking; break, interruption; fracture, rupture; breach, rent, fissure; breaking or injuring power (of a gun, etc.); force or velocity (of a current, etc.); method of warding off or meeting (a blow, etc.), guard, defence; efficacy, effect, virtue (of a medicine, etc.); effective or telling rejoinder, answer, refutation; turning point, height, climax (of heat, cold, disease, etc.); irrigation of fields by flooding (i.e. by breaking down a dam, or the ridges of watercourses); whey;—a net thrown over a child's cradle, or a woman's pālkī:—toṛ-phoṛ, toṛ-tāṛ, s.m. Breaking and smashing; breaking to pieces; fracture, rupture; breach; injury, damage, destruction, ravage, havoc; effectiveness; plain-speaking; winning over, allurement, enticement:—toṛ-joṛ(and joṛ-toṛ), s.m. Breaking and joining; breaking (with one) and taking up (with another); taking to pieces and reconstructing (a machine); arrangement (of words in composition), construction (of a sentence), combination, cutting out and putting together (a garment); contriving, managing, effecting through shifts and expedients; deliberation, planning; plans, contrivances, schemes, devices, expedients, shifts:—toṛkarnā(-meṅ), To make a breach (in, as a ball):—toṛ-kasr, s.m. Fractions (in Arith.).
Origin: Hindi
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