तोता totā[P. tota; S. थुत् +अकः; cf. totlāand toto], s.m. A parrot;—pet, darling (a term of endearment applied to children):—totā-ćashm, adj. lit. 'Parrot-eyed'; faithless, false, treacherous:—totā-sābolnā, v.n. To talk like a parrot, to prattle or talk sweetly:—tote uṛ-jānā(-ke, or hathoṅ-ke), To lose one's power of prating, to be struck dumb, to be confounded:—tote-kī-sīaṅkheṅphernā, v.n. To turn away one's faithless eyes (to another), to withdraw the affections (from), to become indifferent (to).
Origin: Hindi