tamāshā(for A. tamāshī, inf. n. vi of مشی 'to walk'), s.m. Walking abroad for recreation; entertainment, exhibition, show, sight, spectacle; sport, amusement, pleasure, fun, jest, joke; anything strange or curious:—tamāshā-bīn, (or, more com.) tamāsh-bīn, s.m. A sightseer; a libertine, rake; an epicure (syn. aubāsh):—tamāshā-bīnī, tamāsh-bīnī, s.f. Luxury; libertinism, licentiousness, gallantry, raking, whoring:—tamāshādikhānā(-ko), To show (one) a sight or spectacle, etc.; (fig.) to give (one) a trouncing:—tamāshādeḵẖnā, v.n. To see a sight or spectacle,to see what is to be seen; to look on at fun or sport, etc.:—tamāshākarnā, v.n. To see; to take a walk; to make sport or fun; to exhibit, play, act a part; to poke fun (at), make fun (of), to jeer, jest:—tamāshākarne-wālā, s.m. One who makes sport; a showman; player, actor:—tamāshā-kunān, adj. Sight-seeing, beholding, looking at for recreation or amusement:—tamāshe-kībāṭ, A strange, curious, or funny thing; a pretty jest:—tamāshe-kījagah, tamashā-gāh, s.f. A spectacle, show; a place of show, theatre, circus, etc.
Origin: Persian