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ितल til, s.m. The sesamum plant, Sesamum indicum; the seed of the sesamum, oil-seed; a black spot or speck (as the focus of solar rays through a burning glass); a mole or a black spot (on the face, compared to a seed of sesamum); the pupil of the eye; a small particle or portion, the least bit (as much as a sesamumseed); a moment or instant;—a kind of sweetmeat (=til-kuṭ; til-kīmiṭhā`ī):—til-anjalī, tilānjalī(tila+anjalī), s.f. A handful (or a double handful) of water mixed with sesamum-seeds offered to the manes of deceased ancestors:—tilānjalīdenā(-ko), To make an oblation of water and sesamum-seeds, to perform funeral obsequies:—til baṅdhnā, v.n. A black spot or speck to form (as that of the sun's rays through a burning-glass):—til-bhuggā, s.m.=til-ćūrī, and til-kuṭ, q.v.:—til-piććaṭ, s.m. A sort of sweetmeat made chiefly of ground sesamum:—til-parṇī, s.f. The sandal tree, Pterocarpus santalinus; sandal-wood, red sanders:—tilpinja, til-pej, s.m. Barren sesamum (which bears no blossom, or whose seed yields no oil):—til-til, adv. By little and little, by degrees, slowly;—til-til-kā ḥisāb, or til-til-kīlekhā, An account of every particle orfraction, a strict or exact account:—til-tail, s.m. Sesamum oil (=tilkā-tel):—til-ćāwalī, til-ćā`olī, s.f. A mixture composed of rice and sesamum-seeds; a mixture of black and grey (as in the hair of the head or beard, etc.):—til-ćūrī(from ćūrṇa), s.f.
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