taqsīm[inf. n. ii of قسم 'to divide into parts'], s.f. Dividing, distributing, sharing; division, distribution, partition, allotment; division (in Arith.):—taqsīm bhaiyā-ćārī, s.f. Division of land between co-sharers who are jointly bound for the payment of the revenue:—taqsīm-ě-jadīd, s.f. A fresh division or partition, redistribution:—taqsīm karnā(with acc. or gen. of first, and loc. of second object), To divide, distribute (among or over, -meṅ, or -par), to share, part, portion, apportion, assort:—taqsīmě-muḵẖtaṣar, s.f. Short division (in Arith.):—taqsīm-ě-murakkab, s.f. Compound division:—taqsīm-nāma, s.m. A deed or record of division of property (=bāṅṭpatra):—taqsīm honā, v.n. To be divided, etc.:—taqsīm hone-kīraqm, s.f. The dividend (in Arith.).
Origin: Arabic