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taḥt (in A. phrases taḥtu), s.m. The location which is beneath, the interior part, the under part, the inferior part, depth; the nadir;—subjection, dominion, possession, authority, control;—prep. & adv. Beneath, under; in subjection (to), under the control (of, -ke):—taḥtu' s̤-s̤arā, s.m. The depth of the moist earth; the under part of the earth, the nether regions:—taḥtu`sh-shǒ`ā`, s.m. Change of the moon, conjunction with the sun:—taḥt-ě-taṣarruf, taḥt-taṣarruf, s.m. & adv. Subjection, dominion, authority, control;—under the dominion (of, -ke), etc.:—taḥt-ḥukūmat, s.m. & adv. Jurisdiction, control, etc.=taḥt-ě-taṣarruf, q.v.:—taḥt-ě-farmān, s.m.=taḥt-ě-taṣarruf, q.v.:—taḥt-lafz̤ī, adj. & adv. Literal, verbal (as a translation);—literally, verbally:—taḥt-meṅ, adv. Under, under control or authority (of, -ke), in subjection (to); below, at the foot (of a page, etc.):—taḥt-meṅanā(-ke), To come under the authority or control (of):—taḥt-meṅrakhnā, v.t. To keep under, maintain in subjection, to control; to have or keep in (one's) possession, to possess, hold, have:—taḥt-meṅlānā, v.t. To bring under, to reduce to subjection, to conquer, subdue; to bring under control or authority; to take possession of.
Origin: Arabic
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